
The Accursed

The Accursed

Hana spends twenty years suppressing a maleficent curse that was placed upon her bloodline, only to have a family member knowingly release it forcing her to kill or to be killed.

Nataly Fish

The Accursed

The Accursed

Quand sa mère, avec qui elle est en froid, se suicide, Elly est obligée de rentrer chez elle après avoir travaillé comme médecin bénévole à l'étranger. Déterminée à vendre la maison familiale et à reprendre sa vie en main, elle se retrouve hantée par des visions terrifiantes de sa mère.

Nataly Fish

The Accursed Blood

The Accursed Blood

A personal guard for a vicar recently fallen into scandal must confront a witch who threatens what little hold the vicar still carries.

Nataly Fish

The Accursed Stare

The Accursed Stare

Revisiting the process of image-making during five historical moments: Upper Palaeolithic, Classical Greece, Enlightenment, the appearance of Conceptual Art in the mid-1960s and the present time in order to question the distrust towards the aesthetic level of the artwork which followed the rise of conceptual art in the 1960s; and the consequent, in..

Nataly Fish

The Accursed Mazurka

The Accursed Mazurka

Obsessive journal entries, clinical reports, varied sources of music, and a series of watercolors depicting a pierced and bleeding brain are among the many elements that make up a narrative around the occasion of mental breakdown. Instruments of electrical transmission are metaphors for the diseased brain, as reconstructed by a woman who has lost h..

Nataly Fish

The Accursed

The Accursed

Surprised by an unexpected witness, robbers murder a woman who curses them. Little do they know of her connection with a treacherous sect indeed. Their chosen location to hide the loot turns out to be an adventure lodge where the owners are offered a talisman that supposedly grants wishes. Naively, they wish for a sum of money. Next day their belov..

Nataly Fish

The Five Accursed Gentlemen

The Five Accursed Gentlemen

European tourists on holiday in Morocco are threatened by a native sorcerer who predicts five of them will die, one by one, before the full moon.

Nataly Fish

Les cinq gentlemen maudits

Les cinq gentlemen maudits

Cinq Européens en visite en Tunisie sont maudits par un autochtone lorsque l'un d'entre eux enlève le voile d'une jeune Tunisienne. Ils vont disparaître un à un. Mais tout cela n'est peut-être qu'une machination...

Nataly Fish

The Traitor

The Traitor

One time members of a resistance group come together every year to remember their dead leader, betrayed to and executed by the Nazis. When it seems that they might finally know the name of the traitor - and that he or she comes from within their own unit - their annual gathering becomes a deadly trial...

Nataly Fish

Maudite soit la guerre

Maudite soit la guerre

An army pilot is visiting the home of another army pilot in a neighboring country, and falling in love with his sister, when war breaks out.

Nataly Fish

The Vampire Legacy

The Vampire Legacy

Ten people gather in an old mansion to find out who will inherit the money ($10 million) left by a recently deceased tycoon.

Nataly Fish

La isla maldita

La isla maldita

Nataly Fish

Accursed Power

Accursed Power

A South American president's daughter is kidnapped by revolutionary insurgents and taken to the jungle. He hires a group of mercs to rescue her, but a being from another planet is lurking...

Nataly Fish

Accursed Blood

Accursed Blood

After the sudden death of his father, Drago stays with his body until the rest of the family arrives. In the middle of the night, he is visited by his brother who he hasn't seen for a while.

Nataly Fish

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