


Rising from the lowliest of country samurai to the heights of power as Taiko, Toyotomi Hideyoshi is one of the pivotal figures of the Sengoku period.

Nataly Fish

Taikoki - The Saga of Hideyoshi

Taikoki - The Saga of Hideyoshi

From birth Hideyoshi was a restless, defiant spirit--a child of the poorest of the poor. Cast out of his peasant cottage, he would live by his wits, driven by his burning ambition to become a samurai and to find a warlord worth pledging his sword to. This is the story of his rise, and the thunderous battle he pinned his hopes on. The challenge that..

Nataly Fish

Taikoki judanme

Taikoki judanme

Nataly Fish

Ehon Taikōki - Amagasaki Kankyo

Ehon Taikōki - Amagasaki Kankyo

The play "Ehon Taikōki" was originally written for the puppet theater (Bunraku) and staged for the first time in 1799 in Ōsaka at the Toyotakeza. It was adapted for Kabuki the next year by Nagawa Tokusuke I. The play consisted originally of thirteen acts, one act for each day that passed between Akechi Mitsuhide's murder of Oda Nobunaga and his ..

Nataly Fish

Taiko's Rising in the World

Taiko's Rising in the World

Taikoki is a legendary biography of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who rose to the office of taikō. And the story of this film is about the rise to power of Toyotomi Hideyoshi from a farmer's son.

Nataly Fish

Battle at Honnôji Temple

Battle at Honnôji Temple

In 1908, Director/Producer Shozo Makino (father of Japanese cinema) directed and produced the first dramatic film in Kyoto. “Honnô-ji Gassen” was shot at Shinnyo-Do Temple.

Nataly Fish

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