


Une évocation de la vie de Ted Hughes, poète anglais de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, et de son histoire d'amour avec la poétesse américaine Sylvia Plath. Leur mariage, célébré en 1956, se termina tragiquement en 1963.

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Sylvia West (Carroll Baker) may not be who she says she is. Her fiancé, the very well-to-do Frederick Summers (Peter Lawford), hires an investigator named Alan Maklin (George Maharis) to do some digging, and what he finds out about her life prior to becoming a writer is quite shocking. Will the newfound knowledge ruin the marriage? Gordon Douglas ..

Nataly Fish



Quand un homme décide d'abandonner son amour d'enfance pour épouser sa petite amie, il est loin de se douter de l'engrenage infernal dans lequel il a mis le doigt.

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Love, jealousy and motorcycle maintenance in the wilds of Connemara. Sylvia is a love triangle with a twist.

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Sylvia is undergoing an experimental medical treatment to find out what caused her brush with death. The doctors go through her recent memories in order to confront traumatic experiences that may have lead up to the attempt at her life.

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New Zealand chronicle of the life of noted writer and teacher, Sylvia Ashton-Warner. An interesting look at the unusual teaching methods she used while working with the children from the indigenous Maon.

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Matthew is a young man pushed dangerously close to the edge by the emotional abuse he endures from his girlfriend; Sylvia.

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A mother chooses her dream of the day from the shelves of magazines: she will therefore be “Sylvia, the-beautiful-heroine-courted-by-two-men”.

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Sylvia Raphael rises to prominence within the Academy for Special Operations of the Mossad. Her intelligence work involves trying to locate Ali Hassan Salameh―the leader of Palestine's Black September organization and the mastermind behind the murder of eleven Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games.

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Richard Okezie decides to leave Sylvia, his lifelong imaginary friend and lover for Gbemi a flesh-and-blood real woman, but complications arise when Sylvia decides to destroy Richard's peaceful life.

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Sylvia lives in solitary but craves intimacy and interaction.

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A loving family set off in their car on what seems like a carefree family outing. They sing, stop for ice- creams and play eye-spy. However, it becomes clear that this isn't a happy outing after all and only once the car arrives does the actuality of the narrative fully manifest.

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Carlotta Zambelli dances for the camera.

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Inspired on "The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath" and the works of Man Ray, the film explores the present as a point in time and space where every instant, past and future, collide.

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Dans la ville de Sylvia

Dans la ville de Sylvia

Un homme retourne à Strasbourg à la recherche de Sylvia qu'il a rencontrée quatre ans plus tôt. Cette quête se transformera en une déambulation dans les rues, et en une expérience esthétique. Une plongée dans l'intimité d'une ville et de ses habitants.

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Torben & Sylvia

Torben & Sylvia

Torben ne désire qu'une chose dans la vie : être la plus belle des pommes, aussi rouge et ronde que celles que l'on trouve dans les grandes surfaces. Son destin est d'ailleurs tout tracé, il finira dans un supermarché ! Mais son rêve s'envole lorsqu'il se trouve contraint de cohabiter avec un charmant ver prénommé Sylvia bien décidé à dev..

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Summoning Sylvia

Summoning Sylvia

A gay bachelor party turned spooky when sinister spirits are suddenly summoned.

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Sylvia Scarlett

Sylvia Scarlett

Après avoir participé aux mauvais coups d'une bande d'escrocs, une jeune fille va réaliser son rêve: monter une troupe de théâtre.

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