
Summer Times

Summer Times

Sur l’île de Kinmen, l’été est la meilleure des saisons pour le tourisme. C’est pourquoi, Chen Wen Qing, une grande pianiste nationale, choisi cette destination pour se ressourcer et y passer ses vacances. Lin Ming Kuan, un garçon du coin, lui servira de guide pendant son séjour estival. Durant ce court laps de temps et au fur et à mesu..

Nataly Fish

Summer Time Machine Blues

Summer Time Machine Blues

Les membres d’un club de science-fiction sont en émoi parce que la télécommande de la clim tombe en panne. Au même moment, ils découvrent dans leur foyer une machine à remonter le temps. Ils décident de l’utiliser pour aller chercher, la veille, une télécommande fonctionnelle. Solution idéale, mais…

Nataly Fish

Summer Time

Summer Time

7-year-old Atta is taken to a fortune teller to identify the thief of her aunt's gold during a ceremony. Atta, who has no idea of the outcome of what she utters in that situation, to get out of that situation, tells everything from her aunt's definitions about Dawood, her other cousin.

Nataly Fish

Summer of Old Times

Summer of Old Times

Nataly Fish

Summer Time

Summer Time

In the gloomy 80s, Sang-ho is wanted by the authorities for his participation in the student movement. Parting with his colleagues, Sang-ho happens to end up in a town on the outskirts, a town he has no connection to. The place where he is in hiding is the second floor of a worn down wooden house. Spending his time idly in the room, one day, Sang-h..

Nataly Fish

Summer Time: Travel Back

Summer Time: Travel Back

Your desires must be treated with caution. Romka, Yarik, Nikoletta and Yelisey made their own wishes at the magic tree in the Artek camp. The tree took them 30 years ago - to 1988, where they meet their parents, who then also rested in Artek. Now the guys need to make friends with their parents and, acting together, find a way back to the future.

Nataly Fish

KostyaNika. Time of Summer

KostyaNika. Time of Summer

A love story between two teenagers - 16 years old Kostya and 15 years old Nika.

Nataly Fish

Leisure Time – A Summer's Day

Leisure Time – A Summer's Day

A warm and absurdist tableau comedy about the Danes’ various occupations and uses of their summer houses.

Nataly Fish

A Life in Our Times

A Life in Our Times

James and Linda struggle to take care of her nephew, and his grandma, but when they receive more bad news, their only solution is to retreat to a fantasy.

Nataly Fish

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