


Sonia Guggisberg presents the documentary Subsolo, about the work interrupted in the 1970s below Avenida Paulista.

Nataly Fish



Three friends attend the same gym every day in search of their ideals of bodies. Despite assiduous, they live with the frustrating slips that happen away from the tracks, turning the gears of an endless cycle.

Nataly Fish

Subsolo Underground

Subsolo Underground

A man's reality smashes as he looks for a woman he met and vanished in the streets of São Paulo, Brazil, while he tried to regain the love he though he once had.

Nataly Fish

Memórias do Subsolo ou o Homem que Cavou até Encontrar uma Redoma

Memórias do Subsolo ou o Homem que Cavou até Encontrar uma Redoma

A subcutaneous crossing between 1984 and 2016.

Nataly Fish

Notes from Underground

Notes from Underground

Adapted from Dostoevsky's novella, Henry Czerny plays the narrator, Underground Man. Filled with self-hatred, he keeps a video diary where he discusses his own shortcomings and what he thinks is wrong in contemporary society. His bitterness spills over at a dinner party attended by his old college friends, an occasion which sends him running to a n..

Nataly Fish

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