
Star Wars : The Clone Wars

Star Wars : The Clone Wars

La galaxie est en proie à la Guerre des Clones, un conflit à grande échelle qui oppose les maléfiques Séparatistes et leurs immenses armées d'androïdes à la République. Les Chevaliers Jedi, protecteurs de la République, luttent pour maintenir l'ordre et restaurer la paix tandis que de nouvelles planètes succombent chaque jour aux puissan..

Nataly Fish

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Darth Maul Returns

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Darth Maul Returns

After Dathomir falls prey to a merciless attack by General Grievous, Asajj Ventress survives to join a bounty hunter clan led by a young Boba Fett. Meanwhile, the dark warrior Savage Opress returns to his creator, the witch Mother Talzin, who gives him a sinister mission: to search the galaxy for his brother, Sith Apprentice Darth Maul. Believed de..

Nataly Fish

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Nightsisters Trilogy

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Nightsisters Trilogy

A home video compilation film of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episodes "Nightsisters," "Monster," and "Witches of the Mist," cut together. Originally shown at select screenings in 2010 (mainly at conventions), and it was published as an iTunes digital download on December 5, 2011.

Nataly Fish

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