
Spirit of the Wild

Spirit of the Wild

A MYSTICAL GRANDFATHER transforms the life of a modern day boy through the legend of SEEKS-TO-HUNT-GREAT. In this haunting and sometimes humorous, SEEKS-TO-HUNT-GREAT (Michael Horse) tracks a mountain lion for many months, learns from it and eventually gains its trust. Struggling to survive the hardships and dangers of living in the wild, both man ..

Nataly Fish

L'Alaska, esprit de la nature

L'Alaska, esprit de la nature

IMAX Nature - L'Alaska : Quelques endroits sur terre imposent de grands défis pour survivre et le conflit entre le climat et la vie comme en Alaska. En dépit des conditions dures, la vie en Alaska trouve toujours une manière d endurer. Ce film transporte les spectateurs dans un voyage dans la dernière grande frontière où la nature enchante l ..

Nataly Fish

Wild Beauty: Mustang Spirit of the West

Wild Beauty: Mustang Spirit of the West

An immersive journey into the world of wild horses, Wild Beauty illuminates both the profound beauty, and desperate plight faced by the wild horses in the Western United States. Filmmaker Ashley Avis and crew go on a multi-year expedition to uncover the truth in hopes to protect them, before wild horses disappear forever.

Nataly Fish

Namibia: The Spirit of Wilderness

Namibia: The Spirit of Wilderness

With more than 300 days a year, the sun dominates this country so much that it’s even shining from their flag. It’s a barren land, sometimes it’s like it’s from another planet but still familiar. It is land of contrasts and colours with wide landscapes and fascinating deserts. Influenced by various cultures during colonization and now rebo..

Nataly Fish

Spirit, l'étalon des plaines

Spirit, l'étalon des plaines

L'étalon sauvage Spirit naît dans les plaines vierges de l'Ouest américain, aux premières années de la Conquête. Son enfance est tout entière placée sous le signe du jeu et de l'aventure. Spirit découvre avec émerveillement l'immensité, les ressources infinies, la beauté majestueuse de sa terre natale. Jeune adulte, il devient le chef d..

Nataly Fish

Wild Spirit

Wild Spirit

It has been 5 years since Eijiro Kikukawa of the Asakusa Kaminarimon family killed the head of the Suzaki family. Finally he gets out of prison and comes to the city of Odahama, where he had a mistress, Okei, whom he could not forget. He accidentally helped a man named Hanji from the Kurokane family and was received by the family as a guest. And so..

Nataly Fish

Wild Spirit

Wild Spirit

The ghost of his teenage love returns to sensuously haunt a repressed sex-therapist on the even of his wedding to a calculating ice-queen.

Nataly Fish

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