
Beach Spike

Beach Spike

Sharon et Rachel deux joueuses de Beach Volley travaillent au restaurant de l’oncle Tao, un Maître de Kung-fu.La riche famille Brewer a en vue de s’emparer de la plage pour y construire un grand complexe pour les riches.Dans le but d’éviter cela, Sharon et Rachel vont défier les deux filles de Mme Brewer, Natalie et Natasha,à un match de ..

Nataly Fish

Spike le facétieux Lutin

Spike le facétieux Lutin

Spike, tout juste diplômé de l'école des lutins, intègre l'équipe du Père Noël. Dès le début, il enchaîne les bêtises. Pour se rattraper, le jeune lutin se porte volontaire pour une mission de la plus haute imoprtance : récupérer le sac contenant les lettres que les enfants adressent au Père Noël. Malheureusement, il égare le préci..

Nataly Fish

Spike 2

Spike 2

À quelques jours du 24 décembre, l'atelier du Père Noël tourne à plein régime. Spike, un jeune lutin débrouillard, s'affaire à distribuer les listes de cadeaux lorsqu'il apprend que les rennes volants viennent d'être kidnappés. Il doit déjouer les plans machiavéliques de Tony l'ours polaire et sauver Noël…

Nataly Fish



Une bande d'amis s'égare en forêt après que leur véhicule est sorti de la route. L'endroit est habité par une créature étrange qui tombe amoureuse de l'un des membres du groupe. Pour arriver à capturer le cœur de sa promise, la bestiole fait le choix de s'attaquer à ses amis pour les éloigner...

Nataly Fish

Spike Island

Spike Island

Teenage musicians travel to England's Spike Island in the hope of attending an outdoor performance by their favorite band, the Stone Roses.

Nataly Fish

Spike of Love

Spike of Love

An innocent businessman gets in over his head during a night of lust in this horror-comedy from director Steve DiMarco.

Nataly Fish



Spike personally tells the story of his life from India, World War II to The Goons and his Q series

Nataly Fish



"SPIKE" tells the story of a down and dirty private eye who seems to have bitten off more than he can chew!

Nataly Fish

Bump, Spike

Bump, Spike

Documentary on the short-lived International Volleyball Association

Nataly Fish



Spike is the sordid tale of loneliness pushing a man to do things he never fathomed possible.

Nataly Fish



Spikey has two mommies. A lighthearted look at the joys and anxieties of lesbian parenting.

Nataly Fish



"Spike" tells the story of Spike La'Croix, a down-and-dirty private eye who's bitten off more than he can chew!

Nataly Fish

Spike It Naked!

Spike It Naked!

Strip volleyball anyone? A match of strip volleyball results in a hour of sizzling hot, sweaty competition.

Nataly Fish

Spike of Bensonhurst

Spike of Bensonhurst

Spike Fumo is an Italian kid apsiring to be a boxer. He falls in love with a rich girl, who turns out to be the daughter of a Mafia boss. Spike is threatened to leave Bensonhurst by the mob, and then goes to a poverty-stricken Puerto Rican part of Brooklyn.

Nataly Fish

Spike Drink Gang

Spike Drink Gang

Lau Lee Hung, the leader of "Drug gang" was a prison guard at the men's jail, but was fired by his supervisor because of some illegal misconduct. He successfully robbed Rainbow's $800,000 savings. Thereafter, an innocent student was drugged and raped and kept for ransom. Police officer got serious about the crimes drug gang is committing and sends ..

Nataly Fish

Spike - A Christmas Adventure

Spike - A Christmas Adventure

Festive children's animation following the adventures of a young elf who graduates to Santa's workshop. Unfortunately, as hard as Spike tries, he struggles to adapt to life in the workshop and causes no end of trouble. In a bid to prove his worth he volunteers to undertake the important job of carrying the bag containing the letters to Santa sent b..

Nataly Fish

Spike Shannon's Last Fight

Spike Shannon's Last Fight

'Spike' Shannon, a pugilist by occupation, signs to fight a 10-round bout, with another young knight of the ring. A contract is drawn and 'Spike' and his backers leave the office of the promoter. On the street they encounter a young couple, evidently at outs, but which proves later, upon the girl's explanation, to be a flirtation, in which she has ..

Nataly Fish

Set Set Spike

Set Set Spike

A single mother's personal ritual combines her history, poetry and a volleyball-inspired aerobic workout

Nataly Fish

Spike and Melody

Spike and Melody

In this world, Paleco is a product that allows children to have customized dinosaurs as pets. Our main character, Melody, wants one for her birthday but her mom can’t afford it. However, Mom ends up finding a bootleg version, DinoGo, instead. But something doesn’t seem quite right when the egg finally hatches.

Nataly Fish



Spike is a rhino with enormous horns. And as such, is alpha to the herd. But after being dehorned, everything he ever knew about being a man is turned on its head, as he is forced to negotiate the unknown wilds of the savannah and save his kids.

Nataly Fish

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