
Les moineaux

Les moineaux

Une orpheline protège un groupe d’enfants abandonnés et séquestrés par un couple de fermiers prêts à tout pour en tirer le maximum de profit.

Nataly Fish

Red Sparrow

Red Sparrow

Une jeune ballerine, dont la carrière est brisée nette après une chute, est recrutée contre sa volonté par les services secrets russes. Entraînée à utiliser ses charmes et son corps comme une arme, elle découvre le plaisir que lui donne ce nouveau pouvoir et devient rapidement l’un de leurs meilleurs agents. Sa première cible est un age..

Nataly Fish



Ari, 16 ans, vit avec sa mère à Reykjavik lorsqu’il doit soudain retourner vivre chez son père Gunnar, dans la région isolée des fjords, au nord-ouest de l’Islande. Sa relation avec son père n’est pas des plus faciles et ses amis d’enfance semblent avoir bien changé. C’est dans cette situation difficile à laquelle il ne peut écha..

Nataly Fish



A Hong Kong, un Sparrow est un pickpocket. Kei est le plus habile de tous. Entre deux vols de portefeuilles avec les membres de son gang, il aime arpenter la ville à vélo, et prendre des photos. Un jour, une femme ravissante, Chun Lei apparaît dans son viseur. Il est ensorcelé. Chaque membre du gang va tomber sous le charme de cette femme qui..

Nataly Fish

Les Fiancées du Capitaine Jack Sparrow

Les Fiancées du Capitaine Jack Sparrow

Giselle et Scarlett ont un problème : elle doivent épouser toutes les deux le capitaine Jack Sparrow !

Nataly Fish

Des oiseaux, petits et grands

Des oiseaux, petits et grands

Aux abords d'une petite ville d'Italie, un père et son fils marchent sans but précis. Ils rencontrent un corbeau qui a le pouvoir de parler. Celui-ci les interrogent sur les choses de la vie et se rend compte de leur ignorance. Afin de les initier, le corbeau les transforme en moine et moinillon.

Nataly Fish

Le chant des moineaux

Le chant des moineaux

Lorsqu'un éleveur d'autruches se concentre sur le remplacement de l'appareil auditif de sa fille, qui se casse juste avant des examens cruciaux, tout change pour une famille rurale en difficulté en Iran. Karim arrive en moto dans un monde qui lui est étranger - le Téhéran incroyablement trépidant, où les opportunités soudaines d'indépendan..

Nataly Fish

Sparrows Can't Sing

Sparrows Can't Sing

Charlie returns to the East End after two years at sea to find his house demolished and wife Maggie gone. Everyone else knows she is now shacked up with married bus driver Bert and a toddler, and they all watch with more than a little interest at the trail of mayhem Charlie leaves as he goes about sorting things out.

Nataly Fish

Sparrows Dance

Sparrows Dance

A young woman, struggling with agoraphobia, hasn't left her New York apartment or seen anyone in over a year. However, when her toilet overflows, she is forced to call in the plumber.

Nataly Fish

The Sparrow's Fluttering

The Sparrow's Fluttering

A woman, who has been the mistress of a man who has just died, thinks about leaving the little Italian village where they lived and moving to another place. An old and rich man offers her a place in his house, however, she will have to listen to him telling his past love stories.

Nataly Fish

The Sparrows Nesting

The Sparrows Nesting

From very different backgrounds, the two women bond over their shared love for their families. As the women grow closer, Maria reveals her concern for her precocious, but lonely daughter Bella, who she fears is being bullied at school. At Anna's urging, her teenage daughter Emily takes Bella under her wings. Maria's husband, Hector, loses his job, ..

Nataly Fish

A Host of Sparrows

A Host of Sparrows

An ex-con's plans to retire to Florida with a fortune in stolen money are waylaid after his former boss coaxes him to a remote bed and breakfast to protect the daughter he has never met. A storm traps him and 6 others at a B and B, events turn deadly. These seven seeming strangers discover that their lives are all connected by a tragic murder, from..

Nataly Fish

The Sparrows Are Flying Again! - The Making of the Dark Half

The Sparrows Are Flying Again! - The Making of the Dark Half

Documentary covering the making of The Dark Half.

Nataly Fish

Daisies and Sparrows

Daisies and Sparrows

Daisies and Sparrows is a story about love and the passage of time, and a tribute to the journey of parenthood.

Nataly Fish

Sparrow's Call

Sparrow's Call

An unconventional love. A horrifying crime unfolds. Mind-blowing revenge-sex or serene forgiveness? Find out the hard way.

Nataly Fish

The Silent Pasture of Sparrows

The Silent Pasture of Sparrows

A one-shot film, a story about a woman(Feri), her boyfriend(Sati) and a girl named Sisi. Any of these characters has a dream, Feri wants to get power, Sati wants to get rich and Sisi wants to become famous.

Nataly Fish

Little Sparrows

Little Sparrows

In the midst of an Australian summer, we meet three sisters. Nina is widowed with two young children. Anna is an aspiring actress unhappily married to a filmmaker. Christine is a med student who is yet to fully come to terms with her sexuality. When their mother Susan's breast cancer returns, the family is faced with choices and the reality of thei..

Nataly Fish

The Dreams of Sparrows

The Dreams of Sparrows

The majority of Americans will never realize the plight of Iraqi citizens as they struggle to lead normal lives under the shadow of American occupation. Now, thanks to Iraqi filmmaker Hayder Mousa Daffar and a team of contributing American and Iraqi filmmakers known as the "Iraqeye Group," this historic documentary explores the controversial occupa..

Nataly Fish

Falling Sparrows

Falling Sparrows

A high action war film with a twist. Shoot outs, stand-offs and heroics aplenty -- the difference being it's young kids not adult soldiers taking part.

Nataly Fish

Corbeaux et moineaux

Corbeaux et moineaux

L'histoire d'un responsable corrompu du Parti qui tente de vendre un immeuble qu'il s'est approprié de manière frauduleuse et des luttes des locataires pour éviter d'être jetés à la rue.

Nataly Fish

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