
Sparring partners

Sparring partners

En couple depuis 10 ans, Yohan et Julie s'apprêtent à acheter un appartement que Yohan ne peut se permettre. Aujourd'hui, Julie gagne beaucoup mieux sa vie que son compagnon, champion de boxe à la retraite, qui donne cours dans un club de quartier. Refusant de capituler sur leur différence de revenus, Yohan décide de reprendre la compétition...

Nataly Fish



A plus de 40 ans, Steve Landry est un boxeur qui a perdu plus de combats qu’il n’en a gagnés. Avant de raccrocher les gants, il accepte une offre que beaucoup de boxeurs préfèrent refuser : devenir sparring partner d’un grand champion.

Nataly Fish

Sparring Partner

Sparring Partner

When a long flirtation between two co-workers comes to a head during a revealing lunch break in the park, who gets to walk away with their head held high?

Nataly Fish

The Sparring Partner

The Sparring Partner

Adapted from a sensational real-life case in 2013, the intricate story begins when a young man partners with his friend to murder and dismember his parents. Pleading not guilty, the defense attorneys soon turn on each other, as the defendants play the devil and idiot game. Meanwhile, heated debates emerge inside the jury room, where nine jurors gra..

Nataly Fish

Jeffries and Ruhlin Sparring Contest at San Francisco, Cal., November 15, 1901

Jeffries and Ruhlin Sparring Contest at San Francisco, Cal., November 15, 1901

On the night of November 15, 1901, James J. Jeffries, of Los Angeles, California, and Gus Ruhlin, of Akron, Ohio, engaged in a sparring contest in the ring of the Twentieth Century Athletic Club, at Mechanic's Pavilion, San Francisco. By special arrangements with the promoters of the contest, Messrs. J.C. Kennedy, Wm. Madden and Wm. Delaney, our ca..

Nataly Fish

Jeffries Sparring with His Brother

Jeffries Sparring with His Brother

A fine picture of the champion and his brother in a very lively one-round sparring bout. The muscles of the champion are shown to excellent advantage, and aside from being a very lively and interesting sparring exhibition the film presents an absolutely perfect photograph of the champion and his brother.

Nataly Fish

Sparring Partner

Sparring Partner

KoKo accidentally spills ink on Max’s letter. An irritated Max draws him an oversized sparring partner. Remarkably, KoKo somehow manages to win, and with no one watching him, wastes no time in retaliating against Max.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Sparring Partner

Sparring Partner

Your favorite teenage stars in a story about today's youth rollicking their way thru life.

Nataly Fish

Des oiseaux, petits et grands

Des oiseaux, petits et grands

Aux abords d'une petite ville d'Italie, un père et son fils marchent sans but précis. Ils rencontrent un corbeau qui a le pouvoir de parler. Celui-ci les interrogent sur les choses de la vie et se rend compte de leur ignorance. Afin de les initier, le corbeau les transforme en moine et moinillon.

Nataly Fish

Spartacus et les dix Gladiateurs

Spartacus et les dix Gladiateurs

Pour construire un aqueduc, le sénateur romain Varron engage dix gladiateurs. En chemin, ils portent secours à la fille de Varron qui est attaquée par une bande de coupe-jarrets. Devant cet exploit, Varron leur propose de capturer Spartacus, chef des esclaves révoltés, en échange de la liberté…

Nataly Fish



A Hong Kong, un Sparrow est un pickpocket. Kei est le plus habile de tous. Entre deux vols de portefeuilles avec les membres de son gang, il aime arpenter la ville à vélo, et prendre des photos. Un jour, une femme ravissante, Chun Lei apparaît dans son viseur. Il est ensorcelé. Chaque membre du gang va tomber sous le charme de cette femme qui..

Nataly Fish

Spare Parts

Spare Parts

Embittered widower, Ludvik, spends his nights transporting illegal refugees in his van from Croatia, across Slovenia, and into Italy. The young and inexperienced Rudi acts as his helpmate. Together they become a well-trained duo who almost every night convey "spare parts" to Italy. Of course the story of their illegitimate exports into Europe ends ..

Nataly Fish



Nancy, début de l’été... et Sophie, dite Fifi, 15 ans, est coincée dans son HLM dans une ambiance familiale chaotique. Quand elle croise par hasard son ancienne amie Jade, sur le point de partir en vacances, Fifi prend en douce les clefs de sa jolie maison du centre-ville désertée pour l’été. Alors qu’elle s’installe, elle tombe sur..

Nataly Fish

Love Live! Superstar!! Liella! 4th LoveLive! Tour ~brand new Sparkle~

Love Live! Superstar!! Liella! 4th LoveLive! Tour ~brand new Sparkle~

Love Live! Superstar!! Liella! 4th LoveLive! Tour ~brand new Sparkle~

Nataly Fish

The Spark

The Spark

Leo, Francisca and Lara have just finished high school. Faced with an uncertain future, they spend their last summer together cycling through the streets of Córdoba while searching for a lost cassette of their favorite rock band.

Nataly Fish



Tiziano is a little boy almost like the others, who grows up between the demonstrations in Chile, the history of his family and the innocence of his age.

Nataly Fish



Catania, Sicilia 1854. A serious epidemic of cholera is hitting the region. Maria a 16 years old novice leaves her convent and returns her home to avoid contamination. Here she finds a difficult situation, in fact her stepmother and her half-sisters prevent Maria to live the normal life of a teenager. In their minds Maria is the promised "bride of ..

Nataly Fish

The Fifth Sparrow

The Fifth Sparrow

Director Maryam Alabbad exposes the intricacies of desire in life within limited choices in the film "The Fifth Sparrow."

Nataly Fish

The Sparkle, the Blossom, and the Milky Land
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