
Spare Parts

Spare Parts

Quatre étudiants forment un club de robotique. Ils se préparent à affronter les étudiants du MIT, alors qu'ils ont un tout petit budget de 800 dollars pour réaliser leur projet.

Nataly Fish

Fight Girls

Fight Girls

Un groupe de chanteuses punks est kidnappé dans un quartier sordide. A leur réveil, elles réalisent que certains de leurs membres ont été remplacés par des armes mortelles. Leur unique chance de survie est de s’affronter dans une arène pour divertir les membres d’une secte, assoiffés de sang.

Nataly Fish

Spare Parts

Spare Parts

Spare Parts is a short film based on a true story that tells the story of Renilde a young and desired pupil who's conflicted between her self-respect and the love for her father.

Nataly Fish

Spare Parts

Spare Parts

A nomadic grifter speeds from one brief encounter to the next, pocketing what spare change, electronics, jewelry, etc. she can before moving on to the next hit. That is, until an unexpectedly intimate connection gets in the way of business as usual.

Nataly Fish

Spare Parts

Spare Parts

The aptly named Spare Parts is composed of four sections – all comprised of discarded or “found” footage.

Nataly Fish

Spare Parts

Spare Parts

Embittered widower, Ludvik, spends his nights transporting illegal refugees in his van from Croatia, across Slovenia, and into Italy. The young and inexperienced Rudi acts as his helpmate. Together they become a well-trained duo who almost every night convey "spare parts" to Italy. Of course the story of their illegitimate exports into Europe ends ..

Nataly Fish

Spare Parts

Spare Parts

Highlighting San Antonio non-profits, LEE high school worked with Spare Parts, a non-profit whose mission is “to advance reuse and sustainability through creativity and the arts“.

Nataly Fish

Panique sur l'autoroute

Panique sur l'autoroute

Un jeune couple part en voyage de noces, le bonheur leur paraît assuré et pourtant... Une mystérieuse ambulance kidnappe le jeune homme, la jeune femme, sauvée de justesse par un routier, fera tout pour retrouver son mari et découvrira les rouages d'un odieux trafic de "chair fraîche"...

Nataly Fish

Spare Parts

Spare Parts

Thorbjörn Steingrimsson is an unusual shepherd. He does not have sheep or goats but ramshackle cars from which he extracts working components for his spare parts business.

Nataly Fish

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