
La Rage au ventre

La Rage au ventre

Champion du monde de boxe, Billy Hope mène une existence fastueuse avec sa superbe femme et sa fille qu’il aime plus que tout. Lorsque sa femme est tuée, son monde s’écroule, jusqu’à perdre sa maison et sa fortune. Pire, la garde de sa fille lui est retirée, la justice estimant son comportement incompatible avec son rôle de père. Au pl..

Nataly Fish



"Southpaw" follows Francis Barrett for three years and shows him overcoming discrimination as he progresses up the amateur boxing ranks to eventually carry the Irish flag and box for Ireland at the age of 19 during the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta.

Nataly Fish



Southpaw are a powerhouse of rock and pop that blends U2, Zeppelin and all things rock from the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s into one music blender, and then adds the incredible vocals of Robert Plant with an Island twist and you have Southpaw.

Nataly Fish

Kuricorder Quartet ‘Southpaw’

Kuricorder Quartet ‘Southpaw’

Organisms dance vigorously along with delightful recorders.

Nataly Fish

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