
Soul Ties

Soul Ties

When a young woman's faith in her beloved collides head on with her faith in people, what begins as a tale of gut wrenching heartache, ends in a triumphant redemption that not only touches the soul, it leaves a welcome mat at the door of awakening.

Nataly Fish

Snow Leopard: Soul of the Tiger

Snow Leopard: Soul of the Tiger

Spin-off of war drama «Snow Leopard» (2010) from perspective of Xu Hu character In 1944, Zhou Weiguo secretly dispatched Xu Hu, a member of the Snow Leopard Special Forces, to the Japanese Japanese Police Command to rescue the arrested Soviet Red Army intelligence officer Tian Chong. The rescued Tian Chong brought intelligence on the border defe..

Nataly Fish

L'âme du tigre

L'âme du tigre

Alex, trentenaire parisien d'origine chinoise, mène une vie d’insouciance faite d’escapades en montagne et de soirées entre amis. La mort soudaine de son frère l’entraîne à chercher une explication en se confrontant à une histoire familiale trop longtemps laissée de côté. Tiraillé entre deux cultures et entre deux amours, le temps e..

Nataly Fish

Tiny Souls

Tiny Souls

Four years in the life of a Syrian girl in a refugee camp, in a unique film that is just as lively and curious as its protagonist.

Nataly Fish

Les deux timides

Les deux timides

Le jeune avocat Fremissin est afflige d'une timidite maladive. Sa premiere plaidoirie est un desastre et entraine la condamnation de son client, Garadoux, un mari brutal.

Nataly Fish

Rubber Tire Soul

Rubber Tire Soul

2 Groups battle each other in a Tire War.

Nataly Fish

The Qian Nu Lost Souls: Catch Tianshi

The Qian Nu Lost Souls: Catch Tianshi

Hong Kong movie

Nataly Fish

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