
Sombras (Les ombres)

Sombras (Les ombres)

Chaque année, comme s'ils participaient d'un étrange rituel printanier, des milliers d'immigrés viennent s’échouer en Espagne. Un autre naufrage les y attend : l’errance parmi les ombres. Depuis la marge d’un monde qui ne veut plus les voir, ces hommes, en se confiant à leur famille par lettre vidéo, nous regardent dans les yeux.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Notes about the time and the oldness, in an asylum from Belém, Brazil.

Nataly Fish



First Argentine feature film in 16mm. Currently considered lost.

Nataly Fish



A young woman is enchanted by spells and ends up shrouded in darkness.

Nataly Fish



Dani, Freddy and Oscar are three teenagers who have no real ambition in life because they live in a neighborhood where smoking pot and making a quick buck are all that matter. Dani is pregnant with Freddy's baby; however, because she doesn't have the support of her grandfather, who is her only family, she is considering getting an abortion. In orde..

Nataly Fish



A journey across the desert leaves two individuals with hopes and dreams but with a tough decision to make.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



First experimental film from Entre Ríos

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Michael Jackson: Luces y sombras
Valley of Shadows

Valley of Shadows

Quique, Clara and little Lucas are vacationing in northern India. One night, sleeping outside during a storm, they are brutally attacked. Hours later, Quique is rescued by a native and taken to a remote isolated village in the mountains.

Nataly Fish

El valle sin sombras

El valle sin sombras

A dark night of 1985 a huge avalanche mixed, in only one mass, children, women, elderly, animals, tractors. More than 25,000 people and an entire village were buried in only 15 minutes. It was an announced tragedy.

Nataly Fish

Laberinto de sombras

Laberinto de sombras

Nataly Fish

The Backwoods

The Backwoods

Dans les années 1970, deux couples décident de passer leurs vacances dans le Pays basque espagnol. Froidement accueillis dans un village méfiant, ils vont faire une bien étrange découverte...

Nataly Fish

The Conclave of Shadows

The Conclave of Shadows

The end of the world begins today and here.

Nataly Fish

The Shadow Battalion

The Shadow Battalion

Dreams, hopes and passions of the inhabitants of a populous and humble tenement in Madrid. Among them, an inventor who invents always what is already invented, a composer, a hostess, a locksmith, a delivery of a pastry ...

Nataly Fish

Sombras Brancas

Sombras Brancas

At the age of 71, a highly regarded writer, José Cardoso Pires, suffers a major stroke and loses his memory and the ability to relate to the rest of the world. Everybody seems to defy the famous author to write another novel that recounts this adventure telling his "last story", the most conclusive of his career, the one of his accidental journey ..

Nataly Fish

Sleeping Dogs

Sleeping Dogs

L'ancien inspecteur de la criminelle, Roy Freeman, suit un traitement contre la maladie d'Alzheimer. En effet, il est chargé de réexaminer une affaire de meurtre. Un condamné à mort que Roy a arrêté dix ans auparavant qui clame aujourd'hui son innocence.

Nataly Fish

Uma Âncora nas Sombras

Uma Âncora nas Sombras

The line between dream and reality blurs when a man starts having recurring nightmares of an entity in black with a long chain hunting him down.

Nataly Fish

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