


In the rural town of Wickenhaven, a psychotic tanning salon owner is responsible for the disappearances of many young, innocent girls, while his wife, an exotic purse designer, is willing to overlook his evil nature.

Nataly Fish

Slink Pink

Slink Pink

The Pink Panther sneaks into a house on a cold night, soon to learn it belongs to a hunter. The hunter's dog soon learns of the panther's presence, and unsuccessfully tries to prove this to his owner.

Nataly Fish



Part of the Logical Propositions series, 16mm, colour, sound

Nataly Fish

La Drôlesse

La Drôlesse

François, vingt ans, rejeté par son entourage, kidnappe Madeleine, treize ans. La fillette, tout d'abord apeurée, devient la complice de François et prend rapidement les rênes de ce jeu interdit.

Nataly Fish

Momojiri dokyusei: machibuse

Momojiri dokyusei: machibuse

Nataly Fish

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Сказка про лень

Nataly Fish

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