


Atteinte de somnambulisme et sujette à des cauchemars perturbants, Sarah Foster, une jeune étudiante, décide de se rendre dans un centre spécialisée dans les troubles du sommeil. Lorsqu’elle se réveille après une nuit en observation, le monde semble avoir changé. Avec l’aide du scientifique Scott White, Sarah va essayer de retrouver la ..

Nataly Fish



A young American woman visiting her author father in London discovers that her childhood habit of sleepwalking has recurred. She has a vivid dream of witnessing a murder in a strange house - or is it a dream?

Nataly Fish



Ulrik Hansson (Ralph Carlsson) est un architecte d'une quarantaine d'années qui mène une vie paisible dans une banlieue tranquille, entouré de sa femme Monika (Ewa Carlsson) et de ses deux enfants. Ces derniers reviennent tout juste d'un agréable voyage avec leurs amis et ont décidé de déménager. Tout semble aller pour le mieux dans le meil..

Nataly Fish



Saxon Logan's extraordinary 49 minute featurette pitches four people into a class war situation with a vicious sting in the tale.

Nataly Fish



A struggling comic book artist, who is developing a new story about a vigilante dinosaur, spends his nights stalking the streets of LA in an inflatable dinosaur costume, trying to fight crime himself. But when he finds out his son's killer is up for parole, he must relieve the loss while also attempting to keep the killer from getting out.

Nataly Fish



A young man wakes up to find he is living in a nightmare.

Nataly Fish



A husband's attempt to keep his sleepwalking wife from injuring herself descends into chaos as he discovers she may be in the grips of mind control.

Nataly Fish



An Official Selection of the 2014 Guam International Film Festival A young, “not-so-talented,” aspiring dancer rediscovers his passion for the art when his dreams take him on an adventure that’s beyond reality.

Nataly Fish



Lily must defeat the demons that lurk in her nightmares if she is to save herself and the woman she loves.

Nataly Fish



Short film starring Jon Jacobs and Fhiona-Louise

Nataly Fish



What does it take to stay awake when the reality is tough and home is far away? Using archival footage of the Sunflower Movement that took place in Taipei, Taiwan in 2014 as a starting point, the filmmaker reflects on her ideas of home, politics, and the importance of being present.

Nataly Fish



experimental short about late night restlessness

Nataly Fish



Kevin has had problems with sleepwalking ever since he could walk. Kevin can't resolve the situation no matter how hard he tries. But is Kevin really just a sleepwalker? Or is there something more sinister going on?

Nataly Fish



A young man begins experiencing strange visions after being lured into the forest by unknown forces.

Nataly Fish

La Nuit déchirée

La Nuit déchirée

Une mère et son fils, survivants d'une race millénaire qui ne craint que les chats, s'installent dans une nouvelle communauté.

Nataly Fish

Stalked by My Doctor: A Sleepwalker's Nightmare

Stalked by My Doctor: A Sleepwalker's Nightmare

The devious Dr. Albert Beck finds his latest stalking victim after changing his identity and beginning work at a sleep clinic.

Nataly Fish

The Sleepwalker

The Sleepwalker

La vie de couple d'Andrew et Kaia est bouleversée par l'arrivée de la soeur de cette dernière et de son fiancé.

Nataly Fish

Le Somnambule

Le Somnambule

Une femme hésite à croire en l'innocence de son époux, accusé d'avoir assassiné sa belle-mère, en état de somnambulisme.

Nataly Fish

Sleepwalker's Archive

Sleepwalker's Archive

A photographer journeys inside a photo archive in search of that woman who cannot be recorded by a camera.

Nataly Fish



Corse, été 2009. Pascal, un jeune infirmier s'abandonne à son ennui et sa mélancolie entre les couloirs de l'hôpital et les rues de la ville. Mustapha, un travailleur clandestin d'un hôtel du centre de l'île, est contraint de se cacher. Entre les deux, une chorale de jeunes change le monde.

Nataly Fish

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