
Six Figures

Six Figures

Warner lives in a cramped townhouse with his wife, Claire, and their two children. While buying a house in Calgary's competitive real estate market, he learns his job isn't as secure as he'd like, and when he asks Claire to reconsider, they fight. On the same afternoon, Claire is attacked; Warner emerges as the prime suspect.

Nataly Fish

Six Figures

Six Figures

Several employees of a gentlemen's club rip off their boss on a busy Friday night. The robbery is a success. Getting away with the money is a different story.

Nataly Fish

Six Men Getting Sick

Six Men Getting Sick

Lynch's first film project consists of a loop of six people vomiting projected on to a special sculptured screen featuring twisted three-dimensional faces.

Nataly Fish

Les 7 successeurs du super maître de shaolin

Les 7 successeurs du super maître de shaolin

Six et non sept artistes martiaux infirme sont chargés d'acheminer un message impérial à un officier sans le faire intercepter par l'infâme général Lo qui fait régner la terreur avec son armée d'hommes à cape rouge.

Nataly Fish

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