


Shot mainly in South East London, it’s about Micky Mason, a skilled manual worker who, since the Crash, can find nothing but menial zero hours jobs. He takes a course of action that is completely out of character, but it’s the only way he can see of keeping his family together. It is about surviving, but it’s not all anguish and despair - it�..

Nataly Fish



Sink (2020)

Nataly Fish



A man wins the lottery but, after secluding himself in a hotel away from society, finds himself lost in the depths of his mind.

Nataly Fish



‘Sink’ tells the story of Rachel, a Mozambican domestic worker based in Johannesburg, who is forced to make a devastating choice after her daughter drowns whilst under the care of her employer; return to poverty stricken Mozambique or continue working for the family responsible for the death of her child so she can support her extended family b..

Nataly Fish



In Sink (get it?), each video clip is accompanied by the audio clip from the video that preceded it.

Nataly Fish



A man shaving in his bathroom , everything appears to be normal but there is something underlying with this man as he continues to shave his face.

Nataly Fish



After his mother dies a college student is challenged to confront his feelings when he meets a lively girl who is coping with her own pain.

Nataly Fish



A sink sitting in the low tides. A boy playing by the beach. A chanced meeting. 'Sink' is a distilled exploration of innocence and experience; love and loss - an intimation at what might lie beyond.

Nataly Fish



Sink is set in Tomioka’s brightly coloured yet worn and grubby surreal world, where on this occasion we see commuter trains packed with deep sea divers reading pornography. Sealed off behind their protective shells from any real human contact, the commuters are clearly inspired by Tomioka’s experiences on Tokyo’s underground but perhaps repre..

Nataly Fish



An experimental horror film told entirely from above the bathroom sink.

Nataly Fish



When an ex-gangster learns that his younger brother is in danger after being labelled a snitch, he must return home and reacquaint himself with the local drug scene in order to clear his brother's name.

Nataly Fish



When his single bi-polar mother decides to stop taking her meds, 14-year-old Jordan is faced with a decision.

Nataly Fish

Coulez le Bismarck !

Coulez le Bismarck !

L' histoire de l'un des plus célèbre combats navals de la seconde guerre mondiale. Durant le printemps 1941, le Bismarck, le cuirassé le plus célèbre de l'Allemagne nazie, est coincé dans un port norvégien. Il parvient à s'échapper et est pris en chasse par la Marine anglaise. Commence alors une poursuite anthologique, un combat à mort..

Nataly Fish

Diving Bell : The Truth Shall Not Sink with Sewol

Diving Bell : The Truth Shall Not Sink with Sewol

En Corée du Sud, le ferry Sewol sombra le 16 Avril 2014 avec 476 passagers à son bord. La majorité des passagers furent pris au piège en respectant l'ordre du capitaine : "Restez dans vos cabines". Quelques minutes plus tard, le capitaine fuyait le ferry à bord d'un canot de sauvetage. Le bilan fût de 304 morts noyés, dont 250 étudiants du ..

Nataly Fish

Le Grand Bain

Le Grand Bain

C’est dans les couloirs de leur piscine municipale que Bertrand, Marcus, Simon, Laurent, Thierry et les autres s’entraînent sous l’autorité toute relative de Delphine, ancienne gloire des bassins. Ensemble, ils se sentent libres et utiles. Ils vont mettre toute leur énergie dans une discipline jusque-là propriété de la gent féminine: l..

Nataly Fish

500 mètres sous terre

500 mètres sous terre

Dong-won et sa famille viennent enfin de s’installer dans leur nouvelle maison, achetée après des années d’économie. Mais des pluies diluviennes créent un glissement de terrain et le bâtiment est englouti dans un gouffre en pleine pendaison de crémaillère. Isolés à des centaines de mètres sous terre, Dong-won et ses invités ont peu ..

Nataly Fish

Sink Pink

Sink Pink

An eccentric man has built an ark and has filled it with specimens of all animals except one - a pink panther. To complete his zoological collection, the man sets out, rifle in hand, to hunt the Pink Panther, who leads the man on a futile chase through a jungle.

Nataly Fish

The Last Wave : La submersion finale

The Last Wave : La submersion finale

La fonte soudaine des glaciers de l'Arctique provoque des phénomènes extrêmes : montée des eaux, inondations, tremblements de terre destructeurs ou encore tsunamis. Alors qu'une vague dévastatrice s'approche des côtes américaines, le sort du pays semble scellé. L'armée et un groupe de scientifiques n'ont plus que 48 heures pour rediriger l..

Nataly Fish

Sink Hole

Sink Hole

After a massive sinkhole swallows a nearby town, a school bus filled with students is dropped deep underground. After the crash, the students realize the bus is hanging precariously against the side of the sinkhole, held in place by a broken pipe. Any sudden move could send the bus plummeting into the darkness below. Alone and with all the adults i..

Nataly Fish



Sara et Theo partent en promenade avec leur fils de 10 ans. Après une violente dispute, Theo abandonne sa femme et son enfant en pleine forêt.

Nataly Fish

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