
Allée des signes

Allée des signes

In order to describe the metamorphoses undergone by the city of Paris, Gisèle Rapp-Meichler et Luc Meichler began from Guy Debord's texts on psychogeography to make Allée des signes, the last Situationist film-essay.

Nataly Fish

Signes de vie

Signes de vie

One night, near a cliff-to, a young woman receives a marvellous and unhoped for invitation of life.

Nataly Fish

Le Chant des signes

Le Chant des signes

Le Chant des signes by Yves-André Delubac makes an image reappear and multiply from the very word, but with difficulty and after long black shots. This short film, which makes maximum use of the black screen, could pass for an experimental film, but it is not experimental in the sense that we give it. It is a "theoretical and rhetorical work" on t..

Nataly Fish

Les 7 signes de l'apocalypse

Les 7 signes de l'apocalypse

Certains pensent que les signes de l'Apocalypse à venir sont tout autour de nous, comme le décrit le livre de prophéties le plus fascinant de la Bible : l'Apocalypse. Et même les non-religieux ne peuvent ignorer ce qui semble être un taux croissant de catastrophes menaçant la planète.

Nataly Fish

Signes Song

Signes Song

Song of signs with chorus and verses. Superfluity or scattering of the signs confronted by juxtaposition or incrustation, in 16 and Super-8, positive and negative, black and white or colors. These various visual voices constitute a polyphony, the song of the world and of art with its cadences and pulsations of life, a song of signs with echo, rever..

Nataly Fish

Ondes gravitationnelles : le signal des origines

Ondes gravitationnelles : le signal des origines

À l’origine, un drame d’ampleur cosmique : à 1,3 milliard d’années-lumière de la Terre, deux gigantesques trous noirs se tournent autour, avant d’entrer en collision. D’une exceptionnelle violence, cet événement libère des ondes d’une énergie astronomique : les ondes gravitationnelles. Retour sur un phénomène astrophysique m..

Nataly Fish

Under the Sign of Anchor

Under the Sign of Anchor

The elite Kyiv Naval Political College operates in a city without access to the sea. The first Soviet aircraft carrier, the Kyiv, became the flagship of the Northern Fleet. The school's students, future political officers of the Soviet navy, go on a long navigation voyage; meanwhile, at their alma mater the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy opens. Focusing on th..

Nataly Fish

Cas de conscience

Cas de conscience

Le Dr. Nariman, un médecin légiste bourré de principes et vertueux, provoque un accident qui blesse un enfant de 8 ans. Il paie une indemnité au père et offre de l'amener à une clinique à proximité. Le lendemain matin, il découvre le même petit garçon sur sa table d'autopsie. Le Dr. Nariman est confronté à un dilemme : l'enfant est-il ..

Nataly Fish

Significant findings about separation and some subsequent anxieties

Significant findings about separation and some subsequent anxieties

As a man finds out his lover is pregnant, a random boy comes to their house, asking them to fix his television. While the man silently fixes the boy’s television, the woman calls the police. Late at night, the boy’s mother comes to the lovers’ house. The lovers talk about each other, and the boy and the mother talk about the television they l..

Nataly Fish

Le Signe du Lion

Le Signe du Lion

Pierre Wesserlin, un Américain, artiste bohème, vit à Paris et passe le plus clair de son temps dans les bars de Saint-Germain-des-Prés. Il apprend que sa tante, une femme fortunée, vient de mourir. Pierre est convaincu d'hériter bientôt. Pour fêter l'événement, il emprunte une forte somme d'argent à son ami Jean-François et organise un..

Nataly Fish

Significant 14 Days

Significant 14 Days

Nataly Fish

Call Sign

Call Sign "Passenger"

The young gifted artist Ryabinin cannot stay away from the conflict in Donbass; he leaves his beloved girl in Moscow, a well-fed and calm life, and leaves for the civil war as a militia to capture the tragic events of Russian history and express feelings that only aroused anger in his bohemian environment; the suffering of people and the heroism of..

Nataly Fish

Call Sign

Call Sign "Banderas"

In the autumn of 2014, in the ATO zone, an intelligence group headed by experienced captain Anton Saienko (called by nickname "Banderas") tries to prevent sabotage and neutralize the Russian saboteur.

Nataly Fish

Khitrovka. The Sign of Four

Khitrovka. The Sign of Four

Moscow, 1902. The famous director Konstantin Stanislavsky, in search of inspiration for staging a new play, decides to get acquainted with the life of the city "bottom". He turns to Vladimir Gilyarovsky, a recognized expert on the Moscow slums, for help.

Nataly Fish

The Signal

The Signal

During the last days of Eva Peron, a pair of low-ranking detectives are thrust into a case of corruption involving the Mafia.

Nataly Fish



Invités chez un ami pour le réveillon de la Saint-Sylvestre, Kevin et Tiffany, s'essayent au LSD. Suite à un petit incident, fachés, ils finissent par quitter la fête prématurément. Sur le chemin du retour, ils ont la sensation d'être suivis par un inconnu. Kevin, effrayé, quitte la route et accidente la voiture. Effrayé et frigorifié, l..

Nataly Fish

The Sign Painter

The Sign Painter

A Latvian tragicomedy about a young artist who bears witness to the dramatic political upheavals of the WWII era. As brutal regimes come and go, his country, his village, his people, and even his heart are swept up in the inexorable currents of history.

Nataly Fish

Dial 6969: Taxi for Signora

Dial 6969: Taxi for Signora

A taxi driver works as a freelance callboy and is passed around among the circle of acquaintances of his first customer.

Nataly Fish

Vital Sign

Vital Sign

In one of his finest dramatic performances yet, Louis Koo stars as a veteran ambulanceman who simply wants to do his job without any interference from his boss. While he considers emigrating with his daughter, he clashes with his new partner, a young go-getter on the fast-track up the bureaucratic ladder. A mature directorial effort by Cheuk Wan-ch..

Nataly Fish

Alien: Covenant - Epilogue: David's Lab - Last Signs of Life

Alien: Covenant - Epilogue: David's Lab - Last Signs of Life

David's Lab: Last Signs of Life is a 2019 short film. Created to mark the two-year anniversary of Alien: Covenant's home video release, the film is a sequel to the movie in which a Weyland-Yutani team arrives to investigate David's laboratory on Planet 4. One of the explorers enters David's laboratory to document the rogue synthetic's scientific d..

Nataly Fish

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