


Shrimp explores the strange, interwoven and often hilarious daily lives of the women and men who work and play in a Los Angeles BDSM den.

Nataly Fish



An evening, a meeting, alcohol and a shrimp story.

Nataly Fish



Shrimp is the story of a burnt out son struggling to care for his aging mother.

Nataly Fish

The Shrimp on the Barbie

The Shrimp on the Barbie

Carlos has failed in show-biz and currently works as a waiter in a Mexican restaurant. There he meets Alex and dumb footballer Bruce celebrating their engagement with her parents. Alex' father is less than thrilled of her fiancée and says he'd rather accept anybody else. Eventually Alex hires Carlos to present him as her new fiancée.

Nataly Fish

Boogaloo Shrimp Documentary

Boogaloo Shrimp Documentary

he life story of Michael Chambers aka "Boogaloo Shrimp: the dancer, actor, singer, comedian and master of waving, ticking, backsliding and liquid animation dance during the 1980's breakdancing phenomenon.

Nataly Fish

La revanche des Crevettes pailletées

La revanche des Crevettes pailletées

Deux ans après la mort de Jean, le coach décide d’emmener un jeune de banlieue qu’il croit homo afin d'accompagner l'équipe aux Gay Games de Tokyo, un voyage pour rendre hommage à leur ami parti trop tôt. Mais après avoir raté leur correspondance pour le Japon, ils se retrouvent coincés en Russie, dans l’une des régions qui n’est p..

Nataly Fish

Les Crevettes pailletées

Les Crevettes pailletées

Après avoir tenu des propos homophobes, Mathias Le Goff, vice‐champion du monde de natation, est condamné à entraîner les « Crevettes Pailletées », une équipe de water‐polo gay, davantage motivée par la fête que par la compétition. Cet attelage explosif va alors se rendre en Croatie pour participer aux Gay Games, le plus grand rass..

Nataly Fish

Shrimps for a Day

Shrimps for a Day

A magic lamp lets a young couple become kids again and exposes a mean old man who runs his orphanage like a prison.

Nataly Fish

The Pistol Shrimps

The Pistol Shrimps

An eclectic group of actresses, musicians, writers, comedians, and moms compete in the Los Angeles women’s recreational basketball league. With team names guaranteed to make you smile (Shecago Bulls, Traveling Pants, Space Glam, Ba Dunka Dunks, LA Nail Clippers), this documentary shows that girls not only wanna have fun, they wanna ball too.

Nataly Fish

Al Madrigal: Shrimpin' Ain't Easy

Al Madrigal: Shrimpin' Ain't Easy

Former 'Daily Show with Jon Stewart' correspondent Al Madrigal applies his comedic insight to relatable topics like cilantro politics, anger management, and an unbelievable tale of seafood revenge in this stand-up comedy special.

Nataly Fish

Fried Shrimp

Fried Shrimp

This Christmas, Elise must contend with the lengths she'll go to fit in with her boyfriend's overbearing Italian family.

Nataly Fish

The Shrimp

The Shrimp

A timid man undergoes a personality change, and turns the tables on the people who've bullied him.

Nataly Fish

Noma au Japon

Noma au Japon

Janvier 2015. Le NOMA vient de recevoir pour la 4ème fois le titre de meilleur restaurant du monde. Le chef, René Redzepi, décide de fermer son restaurant de Copenhague pour ouvrir une résidence de deux mois à Tokyo, au Japon. Le but : proposer un menu exceptionnel de quatorze plats spécialement conçus pour l’occasion. René Redzepi et sa ..

Nataly Fish

Fairy Shrimp

Fairy Shrimp

Hidden deep within the Pony Pasture Rapids Park of Richmond, Virginia there lives a creature whose ancestors span back a half a billion years. This short film explores the life history of an ancient species, Fairy Shrimp, that survive in harsh habitats here and around the world.

Nataly Fish

Viagra Boys: Shrimp Sessions

Viagra Boys: Shrimp Sessions

Viagra Boys perform live from Shrimptech Enterprises.

Nataly Fish

Shrimp Chicken Fish

Shrimp Chicken Fish

An homage to Chicago’s East 95th Street Bridge, Calumet Fisheries and to a couple of the city’s infamous cinematic brothers.

Nataly Fish

Seinfeld Shrimps

Seinfeld Shrimps

This is the first Seinfeld-film, important but scary

Nataly Fish

Killer Shrimps

Killer Shrimps

Poolside at a ranch-style house in the canyons of Los Angeles, two filmmakers and their crew are filming a documentary about a young director. An interesting exploration into the ambitions and expectations of a rising star. Going back and forth in between different realities and possible futures, the arrival of a peculiar food delivery will open th..

Nataly Fish

Shrimp Blunt

Shrimp Blunt

The new Shake Junt video "Shrimp Blunt".

Nataly Fish

Plate o' Shrimp: Punk Rock, Sci-Fi and the Making of Repo Man

Plate o' Shrimp: Punk Rock, Sci-Fi and the Making of Repo Man

Interviews, backstories and insights with a few of the actors involved in the 1984 cult film, Repo Man.

Nataly Fish

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