
A shelter among the clouds

A shelter among the clouds

Quand Besnik remarque une fissure dans le plâtre du mur de la mosquée et se met à gratter, il se rend compte qu'il y a quelque chose en dessous. Presque immédiatement, deux dames d'un institut de restauration des monuments viennent inspecter la fissure. Le mullah proteste en disant qu'elles n'ont pas le droit d'entrer parce que leurs têtes ne ..

Nataly Fish



Occupés à zapper face à leur télévision, à préparer des conserves ou à discuter politique, les parents de Rado, jeune ado de douze ans, n’ont pas vu leur fils grandir. Le père, entraîneur de water-polo, pense qu'il a été et est toujours un bon père. Aussi, il ne comprend pas que son fils se mette à traîner avec les punks du quartie..

Nataly Fish

Chinatown: The Three Shelters

Chinatown: The Three Shelters

When Cleo - born on a very auspicious day in the Chinese calendar - turns 18, she finds out that the Chinese mafia murdered her father. Outraged, she goes to Athens' Chinatown to confront the killers but soon realizes that in order to take her revenge she first has to face her own dark destiny.

Nataly Fish

Shangku Shelter

Shangku Shelter

Le Zanskar est un royaume isolé du nord-ouest de l'Himalaya indien, où la population locale est enneigée six mois par an. Environ 10 000 Zanskaris vivent dans la vallée isolée. En hiver, les cols de montagne sont bloqués, la route de Jeep d'été ferme et les bus s'arrêtent. Il y a deux décennies, trois amis ont fondé une école de ski - p..

Nataly Fish



Following on from Shelter (1981), the setting is again an air-raid shelter. Close-up images of trees are dissected and reformed abstractly. The film culminates with images of elderly survivors of the war in another example of Aihara’s unique blending of documentary storytelling with abstract illustration.

Nataly Fish



Luka moves to a small coastal town to live with his aunt, while his parents are in the middle of a divorce. A sense of numbness seems to hang above the town, but there is also Jana, a girl from the neighborhood who loves to sunbathe. The end of a lazy summer is near...

Nataly Fish

My Air Raid Shelter

My Air Raid Shelter

The fourth film in Shin-Ei's series of annual WWII themed anime television movies for children "Sensou Douwa".

Nataly Fish

Shelter Me

Shelter Me

Anna and Mara return from a holiday abroad, and realize that Anis, a young Moroccan immigrant, managed to hide in their car in order to cross the border to Italy. At first unsure of what to do, they then decide to take him with them.

Nataly Fish

Shelter of the Wings

Shelter of the Wings

In this Indian drama a young man must cope with a job he is not really suited for. Lakhinder captures exotic birds from the Bengal forests. He is to sell them in Calcutta. Unfortunately he cannot bear to see them caged and always sets them free. He does not earn a lot of money as a result. His wife is angry at him, and begins having an affair with ..

Nataly Fish

Gimme Shelter

Gimme Shelter

The mother does half-nude aerobics until her son rapes her, and the daughter falls into bed with a female teacher. Despite the shocking goings-on, the film is much more in keeping with Sato's usual themes of alienation and corrupted innocence than its brutal predecessor.

Nataly Fish



Shelter raconte l'histoire de Rin, une jeune fille de 17 ans qui vit sa vie à l'intérieur d'une simulation futuriste complètement seule dans une solitude infinie et magnifique. Chaque jour, Rin se réveille dans la réalité virtuelle et utilise une tablette qui contrôle la simulation pour se créer un monde nouveau, différent et magnifique. J..

Nataly Fish

Le garçon qui la nuit

Le garçon qui la nuit

A boy who, during the day, enjoys the beach, the sun and a beautiful vacation with friends. But, in the distance, the fleshly body of a stranger rests on a rock... A boy who, at night, switches to the side of fantasies, of the erotic prohibition which repels as much as it fascinates... When Abdellatif Kechiche’s cinema meets those of Yann Gonzale..

Nataly Fish

Place of Shelter

Place of Shelter

Martin and Katharina’s marriage is at stake because their six-year-old son, Tobias, is autistic. They become friends with the young couple that moves in next door and Tobias starts to gradually open up. His parents are very happy. But soon Martin discovers that the young couple has their own reasons for wanting to be near Tobias: they have a horr..

Nataly Fish

Food and Shelter

Food and Shelter

Une mère célibataire a du mal à payer le loyer et à nourrir son fils de 10 ans.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

The Beautiful Dead Face of a Pretty Girl: shelter

The Beautiful Dead Face of a Pretty Girl: shelter

The second installment in the suspense series about a high school girl caught up in a series of disappearances. Shizuka and her friends in a criminal psychology club obtain a suspicious video showing a high school girl being murdered.

Nataly Fish

Le refuge

Le refuge

A young Corsican is obliged by a tradition of vendetta for his late father, to kill the uncle of a girl he loves, because that man was the murderer. His search for vengeance leads to being pursued by the police and a tragic fate.

Nataly Fish



Ling returns to her hometown for Chinese New Year, only to find her mother Fang gets into trouble. Fang plans to move to Ling’s apartment in Taipei and live with her for a while, which unveils Ling’s true reason to come home. Eventually, Ling spends the day with Fang and tries to solve her trouble.

Nataly Fish



L'Abri est un centre d'hébergement à Lausanne ouvert aux sans-abri pendant les nuits d'hiver. Hélas, seuls cinquante d'entre eux peuvent être admis chaque soir. Débute alors un tri des pauvres dont s'acquitte douloureusement le personnel du centre.

Nataly Fish

Sheltering Skies

Sheltering Skies

Exploration of the ordinary lives led by women of different classes—a college professor, an unmarried woman, and a seasoned drama artist. They unveil the societal intricacies woven into their social backgrounds, with typical evening talks besides them. Gripping tales of yore immersed in the metaphorical embrace of their surroundings, their famili..

Nataly Fish

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