
Shelter Me

Shelter Me

SHELTER ME is an entertaining and uplifting film series about shelter pets improving the lives of those who adopt them. Hosted by actress Katherine Heigl, SHELTER ME celebrates the human-animal bond with positive, uplifting stories about shelter pets and their new homes. Every year, 3-4 million dogs and cats are euthanized in America's shelters. SH..

Nataly Fish

Give Me Shelter

Give Me Shelter

Give Me Shelter is a documentary to raise awareness for important animal issues around the world. This film uncovers the most prevalent issues in the animal world through the eyes of individuals dedicating their lives to them daily.

Nataly Fish

Shelter Me

Shelter Me

Anna and Mara return from a holiday abroad, and realize that Anis, a young Moroccan immigrant, managed to hide in their car in order to cross the border to Italy. At first unsure of what to do, they then decide to take him with them.

Nataly Fish

Bowery Men's Shelter

Bowery Men's Shelter

A brief look at New York City's Bowery Men's Shelter in 1972, which provides food, and housing and clothing services, to destitute men in the neighborhood.

Nataly Fish



Occupés à zapper face à leur télévision, à préparer des conserves ou à discuter politique, les parents de Rado, jeune ado de douze ans, n’ont pas vu leur fils grandir. Le père, entraîneur de water-polo, pense qu'il a été et est toujours un bon père. Aussi, il ne comprend pas que son fils se mette à traîner avec les punks du quartie..

Nataly Fish

Shelter me: Apollo House

Shelter me: Apollo House

Documentaire sur les itinerants de l'Apollo house à Dublin

Nataly Fish

Shangku Shelter

Shangku Shelter

Le Zanskar est un royaume isolé du nord-ouest de l'Himalaya indien, où la population locale est enneigée six mois par an. Environ 10 000 Zanskaris vivent dans la vallée isolée. En hiver, les cols de montagne sont bloqués, la route de Jeep d'été ferme et les bus s'arrêtent. Il y a deux décennies, trois amis ont fondé une école de ski - p..

Nataly Fish



Following on from Shelter (1981), the setting is again an air-raid shelter. Close-up images of trees are dissected and reformed abstractly. The film culminates with images of elderly survivors of the war in another example of Aihara’s unique blending of documentary storytelling with abstract illustration.

Nataly Fish

A shelter among the clouds

A shelter among the clouds

Quand Besnik remarque une fissure dans le plâtre du mur de la mosquée et se met à gratter, il se rend compte qu'il y a quelque chose en dessous. Presque immédiatement, deux dames d'un institut de restauration des monuments viennent inspecter la fissure. Le mullah proteste en disant qu'elles n'ont pas le droit d'entrer parce que leurs têtes ne ..

Nataly Fish

Give Me Shelter

Give Me Shelter

Social worker Renáta Toszecky manages a women's shelter in Hungary, operated by Hungarian Baptist Aid. The film follows Renáta and gives us a glimpse into the challenges of social work.

Nataly Fish

Le Silence des ombres

Le Silence des ombres

La psychiatre Cara Harding est spécialisée dans l'étude des tueurs en série. Son père, lui-même psychiatre de renom, lui soumet le cas étrange de David, patient atteint de schizophrénie. Cara découvre bientôt que les multiples personnalités de David sont toutes les victimes de meurtres sordides. Elle doit alors résoudre ce redoutable ca..

Nataly Fish



A US Treasury Agent finds himself in opposition with his fellow agents who are involved in gun running.

Nataly Fish

Place of Shelter

Place of Shelter

Martin and Katharina’s marriage is at stake because their six-year-old son, Tobias, is autistic. They become friends with the young couple that moves in next door and Tobias starts to gradually open up. His parents are very happy. But soon Martin discovers that the young couple has their own reasons for wanting to be near Tobias: they have a horr..

Nataly Fish

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