
Seven Dead Men

Seven Dead Men

Seven Dead Men tells the tale of a caper gone awry. A pair of brothers, Steve and Carl, tired of their place in the world, hatch a plot against local crime boss Peter. Little do they know that their fence Johnny's big mouth and lies are about to get him in trouble with a lot more than Claire, his part-time girlfriend. Meanwhile, Jack and Petey have..

Nataly Fish

Traquées par les Japs

Traquées par les Japs

En février 1942, un groupe de femmes de nationalités, de statuts et d'âges différents est détenu dans un camp de prisonniers de l'armée japonaise dans des conditions extrêmement difficiles, au coeur de la jungle. Bravant tous les dangers, le groupe de prisonnières parvient à prendre la fuite...

Nataly Fish

The Seven Ravens

The Seven Ravens

The story of a young woman who takes it upon herself to save her brothers and rid them of a curse which they were put under by their mother.

Nataly Fish

Seven Signs That Mean Silence

Seven Signs That Mean Silence

Two disembodied voices, Paul and Veena, wonder what things mean and what means things. Seven Signs that Mean Silence is a story about the human search for meaning.

Nataly Fish

The Fantastic Seven

The Fantastic Seven

An intrepid team of stunt experts stage a daring air, sea and land rescue of a kidnapped movie star from the clutches of a suave, modern-day pirate who rules a sovereign fortress state in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico.

Nataly Fish

WWE WrestleMania X-Seven

WWE WrestleMania X-Seven

WrestleMania X-Seven was the seventeenth annual WrestleMania PPV and was presented by Snickers Cruncher. It took place on April 1, 2001 at the Reliant Astrodome in Houston, Texas. The event was the first WrestleMania held in the state of Texas. A record-breaking attendance for the Reliant Astrodome of 67,925 grossed US$3.5 million. The main event ..

Nataly Fish

Les Sept Bérets Rouges

Les Sept Bérets Rouges

Au Congo, la révolution fait rage et des documents cruciaux sont tombés dans les mains de la la guérilla nationaliste. Les Bérets Rouges sont le seul espoir du gouvernement de récupérer les documents et changer le cours de la guerre.

Nataly Fish

Seven Nights in Japan

Seven Nights in Japan

Handsome Prince George arrives on board his ship in Japan. Youthful, immaculate in naval uniform and smiling broadly, he goes through the complicated formalities of being greeted by a host nation. But housed with the Ambassador and his family, the Prince finds the atmosphere stuffy and dull; he longs for freedom and, for once, rebels against his up..

Nataly Fish

Seven Against the Sun

Seven Against the Sun

In February of 1941, South African troops are in action against the Italian forces on the northern frontier of Kenya. An Italian invasion, aimed at pushing the Allied Forces out of Central and East Africa, is imminent. The South African Command realizes it has no forces at its disposal capable of stopping the Italian objective, so they resort to a ..

Nataly Fish

Les Sept empreintes de pas de Satan

Les Sept empreintes de pas de Satan

Un aventurier et sa fiancée se retrouvent séquestrés dans une inquiétante maison peuplée de créatures étranges qui pratiquent des rites sataniques.

Nataly Fish

The Seventh Sense

The Seventh Sense

A blind street musician, shut off from everything but her music, begins working with a reclusive composer who uses sensual metaphors as teaching tools. Farced with the possibility of regaining her eyesight she fears she will lose her musical inspiration.

Nataly Fish

Le Septième Juré

Le Septième Juré

Par un chaud dimanche de septembre, Duval, un brave pharmacien sans histoire de Pontarlier, cédant à une soudaine pulsion, se jette sur une jeune femme qui prenait un bain de soleil sur les berges d'un lac. Celle-ci hurle et il l'étrangle. L'amant de la jeune femme, Sylvain Sautral, est accusé du meurtre. Mais voilà que Duval est nommé juré ..

Nataly Fish

Kamen Rider Hibiki The Movie: Hibiki & The Seven War Oni

Kamen Rider Hibiki The Movie: Hibiki & The Seven War Oni

When a powerful new Makamou attacks and defeats Hibiki, Asumu dives into Takeshi’s history and discovers a book that details the ancient Oni and a boy sharing his name. As he reads on, he learns of the tensions between humans and Oni as they struggle to stop the Orochi Makamou, but will he discover the key to defeating the new Orochi in the prese..

Nataly Fish

Suddenly Seventeen

Suddenly Seventeen

When Liang Xia's obsession for a perfect wedding puts a strain in the relationship with her fiancé, he ultimately calls it quits and breaks up with her. In a heartbroken state, Liang Xia carelessly ingests a magical item, which transports the 28-year-old’s mind back to when she was only seventeen years old.

Nataly Fish

JFK : sept jours décisifs

JFK : sept jours décisifs

Il y a des jours où vous pouvez changer le monde. Bien que son dernier jour sur terre a marqué les esprits, il y a sept moments dans la vie de JFK qui sont clefs et qui ont créé l'icône. A l'occasion du cinquantième anniversaire de son assassinat en 2013, ce documentaire raconte l'histoire de l'un des plus grands présidents américains à tr..

Nataly Fish

Seven Friends: George Miller’s Justice League

Seven Friends: George Miller’s Justice League

Documentary chronicling director George Miller's unmade 2008 superhero movie Justice League Mortal.

Nataly Fish

John Williams: The Seventh Symphony

John Williams: The Seventh Symphony

Une présentation du travail emblématique de John Williams

Nataly Fish

Seven-day Swapping

Seven-day Swapping

Cheon-seok and Mi-seon remarried. Mi-seon goes on a trip with her friends and asks her daughter-in-law to take care of her father-in-law for a week. Her father-in-law and her daughter-in-law came to live together for 7 days. Her daughter-in-law, who tasted her father-in-law's crispy pork belly, falls in love with her father-in-law...

Nataly Fish

Seven Souls in the Skull Castle - Season Wind

Seven Souls in the Skull Castle - Season Wind

In Japan in the 1590s, the wandering samurai gathered to fight the nobles of the Skull Castle. In the performance of the "Wind" version that is shown in the theater on a 360-degree rotating stage.

Nataly Fish

7 ans de mariage

7 ans de mariage

Mariés depuis sept ans, Audrey et Alain s'enlisent dans la routine. Ils ont une petite fille, Camille, et travaillent tous les deux. La vie quotidienne a usé leur désir. Audrey est cassante, rigide, tandis qu'Alain se promène en cachette sur les sites porno.Pour tenter de sauver son couple, il consulte un ami sexologue. Celui-ci lui conseille d..

Nataly Fish

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