
Selva Oscura

Selva Oscura

A woman finds a corpse along a familiar path. She begins to investigate and soon becomes wrapped up in a mystery.

Nataly Fish

La selva oscura

La selva oscura

Although Santa doesn´t recreate the hell, but its outskirts, the images of the latter make us afraid of what is coming: after death comes a tunnel, and afterwards is the entrance to hell. But this is where The Dark Forest ends.

Nataly Fish

Per una selva oscura

Per una selva oscura

The revelation of an image, which progresses towards the heart of matter, captured in an incoercible movement: that of a dystopia in motion. A primitive entity on the brink of cataclysm, an infinite headlong rush, until all forms and figures are completely dissolved. What dark forest have we wandered into?

Nataly Fish

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