


Dans un monde où la technologie numérique a envahi nos vies, certains d’entre nous finissent par craquer. Addict ou technophobe, en famille ou à l’école, au travail ou dans les relations amoureuses, Selfie raconte les destins comiques et sauvages d’Homo Numericus au bord de la crise de nerfs…

Nataly Fish

Selfie, avoir 16 ans à Naples

Selfie, avoir 16 ans à Naples

"Ça parle de la mort", prévient Pietro au seuil du film et d’une chanson qui, dédiée à son cousin mort sous les balles d’un gendarme, lui tirera des larmes. Le film aussi parle de la mort, parce qu’il faut "montrer les choses moches, et pas seulement les choses belles". Disant cela, Pietro dessine une authentique morale documen­taire. C..

Nataly Fish



Deux jours avant leurs examens de fin d'année, trois adolescentes s'octroient une escapade à la mer avec une seule idée en tête : faire la fête.

Nataly Fish



Un membre du gouvernement vient d’être arrêté par la police pour corruption, détournement de fonds publics, blanchiment de capitaux entre autres délits. Voici l’histoire de son fils Bosco. Ses errances depuis qu’il a été expulsé de sa luxueuse villa jusqu’à sa recherche de travail au siège de Podemos ; ses angoisses sentimentales ..

Nataly Fish



Selfie pays tribute to the use of repetition and structure within the history of motion picture technology. Throughout the evolutionary development of moving image production, the use of repetition offered a reliable method for constructing the illusion of movement. Using the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer feature Lust for Life (1956) as source material, Self..

Nataly Fish



A woman begins filming her husband only for him to start acting strange on her phone camera - whilst remaining utterly still in real life.

Nataly Fish



It's late in an idyllic spot. After hours of climbing, Javier decides to call Mariona to share his latest achievement with her. He knows that, after what happened, it will not be an easy call. What he does not know yet is that it will behis last one. A short film based on real events.

Nataly Fish



Social media influencers are stalked by a killer wearing their faces as masks on the night of an event opening.

Nataly Fish



A woman is haunted by a strange figure in her Selfie photos.

Nataly Fish



Linette has been chatting with a mysterious person on Facebook. When one of her classmates dies tragically and a masked person is spotted watching her and her friends on several occasions, Linette decides to unfriend her mystery Facebook friend. But things are about to get much worse.

Nataly Fish



"A selfie a day keeps the friends away" -- Unknown

Nataly Fish



In this conceptual and sensorial miniature, the concept of social (self) portrait is rethought, playing with the distortions of a Big Brother who watches us impassively. A technological state of permanent control, of mechanization of a daily life dominated by the ingenuities that the human being has created and that have finally taken control of ou..

Nataly Fish



These are the western lands of the mind. The western tracks in the land. The western landscapes of our time. The wasted times of our lives. Our communal Selfie. So is the rest of the Capitalocene civilization.

Nataly Fish



In a world where social media app Selfie dominates over Instagram and TikTok, insecure teenager Sarah has had enough. She no longer wants to subscribe to the culture of presenting a perfect online persona. In a moment of clarity, Sarah makes the unpopular decision to delete her accounts. But, the "perfect" version of herself that she's given power ..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Selfie is a short film based on daily incidents faced by every 'common man'. It interpretes whatever people have perception about us, may be by our clothes, our appearance, etc. We know who and what we are in every respect. We all must click our inner 'selfie' !

Nataly Fish



A guy is addicted to social networks and the image he's showing the world through selfies. But does he still exists in real life?

Nataly Fish



A couple on holiday in Berlin. Everything is perfect, but then he wants to take a selfie… The ending of a relationship as seen through a mobile phone.

Nataly Fish



Vos meilleurs amis sont aussi les amis qui vous feront faire les choses les plus stupides. Roxi, Yasmine et Ana se retrouvent impliquées dans un pari qui va changer leur vie : qui se mariera la première dans trois prochains jours ?

Nataly Fish

Self Control

Self Control

Dave Buznik est un homme calme et doux qui n'aime pas les situations conflictuelles. Mais un jour, il s'emporte à la suite d'une altercation dans un avion. Pour éviter la prison, il se retrouve forcé de suivre une thérapie supposée contrôler sa colère auprès du docteur Buddy Rydell.Ce dernier décide que, pour mieux soigner son patient, il ..

Nataly Fish

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