
Scream Girl

Scream Girl

Une jeune femme faisant le deuil de sa mère, qui était une célèbre actrice des années 80, se retrouve projetée dans l’un de ses films. Les deux femmes désormais réunies vont tenter de combattre le meurtrier qui s’y trouve.

Nataly Fish

Girls School Screamers

Girls School Screamers

De jolies jeunes filles, premières de la classe et pensionnaires d'une école religieuse, sont sélectionnées pour procéder à un inventaire chez un riche collectionneur. La maison dans laquelle elles sont censées travailler est naturellement complètement isolée. Rapidement, elles apprennent qu'une autre jeune fille, également pensionnaire d..

Nataly Fish

Manic Pixie Scream Girl

Manic Pixie Scream Girl

Have you ever seen one of those quirky meet cutes where boy meets girl and gets his heartbroken? The real brooding broken cliché of a male protagonist? Well this is definitely not one of those. Or maybe it is but this time the girl gets the chance to talk

Nataly Fish

Hush! Girls Don't Scream

Hush! Girls Don't Scream

Hours before her scheduled marriage, young bride-to-be Shirin murders a man. The crime is completely unexpected and goes against everything we know of her. We learn that Shirin has had two unsuccessful marriage attempts, and is deeply psychologically troubled. But as the dark secrets in her past are slowly revealed, exposing a childhood of neglect,..

Nataly Fish

Scream Girls

Scream Girls

According to an urban legend, a girl named Hikiko Mori was taunted and bullied relentlessly by her classmates, eventually resulting in her accidental death. Holding a grudge against all bullies, her spirit now haunts her former school, slowly gathering the strength to exact vengeance on the living. A group of frightened school girls decide to inves..

Nataly Fish

Scream Girls 2

Scream Girls 2

Nataly Fish

A Scream in the Streets

A Scream in the Streets

Two Los Angeles detectives are assigned to track down and arrest a brutal rapist-murderer terrorizing the city. Their job is complicated by the fact that the killer is able to avoid capture because he can pose as a woman.

Nataly Fish

Screaming Girl

Screaming Girl

On the way to her dream of becoming an actress, Sasha cannot be stopped by her mother, war and poverty. Will Sasha be stopped by the spear that accidentally stabbed her on a stupid shootings?

Nataly Fish

Hysterical Screams of Girls in Flowered Dresses

Hysterical Screams of Girls in Flowered Dresses

Dália and Angélica write a manifesto for their right to freak out for no reason.

Nataly Fish

Mais... qu'avez vous fait à Solange

Mais... qu'avez vous fait à Solange

A Londres, une élève d'un collège catholique pour filles est tuée de manière brutale près de la Tamise. Enrico Rosseni, un professeur qui se baladait près des lieux, devient le suspect idéal, surtout que celui-ci entretient une liaison secrète avec une de ses étudiantes. Alors que les soupçons se font de plus en plus pressants, le profes..

Nataly Fish

The Unspeakable

The Unspeakable

When Alice Redmond is required to go deep undercover in an effort to trap number one suspect Darren Metlick, she gets very close to the edge. Her superiors push her past the point of no return because they need additional evidence to make their case air tight. Alice is having an affair with a fellow officer Don Holroyd and his sexual appetite close..

Nataly Fish

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