


En 1980, le gouvernement cubain expulse plusieurs centaines de prisonniers dangereux vers la Floride. Parmi eux, Tony Montana : ambitieux et sans scrupules, il élabore un plan pour prendre la place d'un caïd de la drogue.

Nataly Fish



Chicago, au temps de la prohibition. Un petit malfrat, l'ambitieux Tony Camonte, tue son patron et devient le garde du corps de Lovo, chef du gang rival. Amoureux de Poppy, la petite amie de Lovo, il veille jalousement sur sa soeur Cesca, lui interdisant toute liaison sentimentale. Avec son complice Guido Rinaldo, Tony prend peu à peu le pouvoir a..

Nataly Fish



Un remake du film de Brian de Palma réalisé en 1983.

Nataly Fish



Everyone has seen "Scarface", the gangster movie. But do we know that "Scarface" means "scarred"? This is Raphael: a bit of a scarred gangster...

Nataly Fish

Mister Scarface

Mister Scarface

Ric souhaite venger la mort de son père qui a été tué par Manzani. Ce dernier dirige de nombreuses activités illégales au sein de la ville. Pour réussir sa vengeance, il s'associe avec Tony, un malfrat travaillant pour un autre parrain de la ville, Luigi Cerchio. Ensemble, ils tentent de déclencher une guerre entre les deux chefs mafieux.

Nataly Fish

La vengeance de Scarface

La vengeance de Scarface

Après trois ans injustement passés derrière les barreaux, le détective Vic Barron part à la recherche du meurtrier de sa femme et de sa fille. Elles ont péri dans l'explosion d'une bombe, qui a défiguré Vic. Le détective soupçonne un ancien chef de gang réfugié à Ketchikan en Alaska d'être responsable de l'attentat.

Nataly Fish

The Making of 'Scarface'

The Making of 'Scarface'

A 52-minute documentary on "Scarface," both the making of the film and its reception.

Nataly Fish

Les Incorruptibles contre Al Capone

Les Incorruptibles contre Al Capone

Histoire de la façon dont un groupe de législateurs fédéraux incorruptibles a aidé à mettre en prison Al Capone, le gangster des années 1920.

Nataly Fish

Lady Scarface

Lady Scarface

A Chicago gang led by Slade carries out an audacious brokerage robbery. Lieutenant Bill Mason takes the case, continuing his friendly-enemy relationship with crime reporter Ann Rogers. One gang member is caught; eventually, others follow. But Mason hasn't a clue to Slade, principally because he's unaware she's a woman.

Nataly Fish

Scarface: The Al Capone Story

Scarface: The Al Capone Story

Alphonse Gabriel Capone, the most infamous gangster of all time. He was cut across the left cheek during a fight when he was young, earning him the moniker "Scarface." He moved to Chicago in 1919 and worked with infamous gangster Johnny Torrio to help run illicit operations there. In the Roaring Twenties, Al Capone ruled an empire of crime in the W..

Nataly Fish

The 'Scarface' Phenomenon

The 'Scarface' Phenomenon

This all-new documentary presents "Scarface" as a unique phenomenon in cinema history. It explores how a film plagued by controversy leading up to its release has become a Hollywood classic, influencing a whole new generation of filmmakers and leaving a lasting imprint on popular culture.

Nataly Fish

Scarface Renacido

Scarface Renacido

To be a great in the mafia, you have to have the best escort, this is the work of Commander Antrax, who supported by a command of skulls and an infallible alloy is responsible for removing the blots.

Nataly Fish

Captain Scarface

Captain Scarface

Un groupe d'espions communistes envisage de faire sauter une artère commerciale essentielle, le canal de Panama. À cette fin, ils ont kidnappé un scientifique nucléaire et voyagent en bateau à vapeur vers la côte sud-américaine. Heureusement pour la civilisation occidentale, le capitaine au nez dur, joué par Barton MacLane, a d'autres idée..

Nataly Fish

Scarface and Aphrodite

Scarface and Aphrodite

Based on a "Happening" by Claes Oldenburg, with a cast of twenty.

Nataly Fish

Inside Story: Scarface

Inside Story: Scarface

An ambitious remake of a 1932 gangster classic nearly implodes under the weight of its egotistical creators, grandiose star, and over the top style; but instead it proves its harsh critics wrong by becoming a huge hit and pop culture phenomenon. Now, through cast and crew interviews, stock footage and original material, we get a first-hand account ..

Nataly Fish

Scarface 4 Life

Scarface 4 Life

Not for the faint of heart, this film tells the shocking (and true) story of some of the most notorious inmate slashings in New York City's infamous holding pen, Riker's Island. Documentary director Troy Reed trains his lens on the infamous correctional facility and explicitly captures some gruesome inmate slashings, police corruption and just plai..

Nataly Fish

Kid Scarface

Kid Scarface

An entry of Surf Reality's underground 'Movie of the Month Club.' Mitler & company deliver a no-budget, SOV, one-day-wonder, loose interpretation of the Scarface story with 1991's New York as a backdrop.

Nataly Fish

Account of the Ando Gang: Tale of a Scarface

Account of the Ando Gang: Tale of a Scarface

“Gunro no keifu” is known as “Tale of a Scarface.” It follows the life of Kumoro, a yakuza member, who recently is released from prison after serving 14 years for his Family. Upon his return he finds the various yakuza syndicates on the brink of war. Kumoro is, at first, removed from the dealings of the families by his Boss, but slowly he i..

Nataly Fish

Al Capone -The Hidden Truth of Scarface-

Al Capone -The Hidden Truth of Scarface-

Takarazuka Snow Troupe 2015 production based on the life of Al Capone. The year is 1929, in a prison in New Jersey. Here, wearing a Divan watch too extravagant for the setting, sits one man: Al Capone. As everyone knows, he’s an American gangster. In a cell arranged especially for him, he gulps down law-prohibited bourbon, next to him sits the sc..

Nataly Fish

Cocaine Cowboys

Cocaine Cowboys

Le commerce de la cocaïne durant les années 70 et 80 a laissé une empreinte indélébile sur la ville de Miami. Les trafiquants et les dealers ont transformé à jamais cette cité endormie en un des lieux les plus branchés au monde, qui rapportait chaque année 20 milliards de dollars au cartel colombien de Medellin.

Nataly Fish

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