


Impressionistic documentary of Sausalito, California, a small town near San Francisco, in its pre-beatnik days when it was still an artist's colony. - IMDb

Nataly Fish



Scenes of Sausalito, California, including boats, the docks, and streets. Eventually, the setting turns to night and boats appear silhouetted against the sky. A woman speaks poetic phrases on the soundtrack; at intervals her face is seen. A band begins to play but ceases again as lights appear in distant windows.

Nataly Fish



Ella is a divorced Chinese American taxi driver who spends her days ferrying people around the roads of Sausalito, San Francisco. After work, she spends time with her 8-year old son, Scott. Ella meets Mike at Sky House, an infamous pick-up joint. Awkward strangers at first, they nonetheless find passion and what they want in each other.

Nataly Fish

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