


A man moves into a basement, bringing along his most prized possessions.

Nataly Fish



Two people struggling with loneliness and depression, each dealing with it in a different way.

Nataly Fish



After finding a video camera, a young man recites the events that lead him to be trapped in a room with a ferocious demon waiting just outside the door. But can his story be trusted?

Nataly Fish



"Recluse" is a short film I wanted to make as challenge to see if I could tell an effective story without dialogue and complete it in a 30 day time span. It ended up stretching out over the course of many months, mostly because I was getting "When Black Birds Fly" ready for release, but I'm pretty happy with the results! This is also the first film..

Nataly Fish



Tim is a recluse who sees the outside world as a frightening place. He wakes up one morning to discover that he has run out of milk and now he has to leave his home and face his biggest fears.

Nataly Fish



A glimpse into the morning routine of a morose recluse, following all the excitement of getting up, making toast, and looking out the window.

Nataly Fish



A man who never leaves his room to enjoy solitary bliss.

Nataly Fish



A reconstruction of the possible events that might have led up to the real-life tragic case of the Luxton family who lived at West Chapple Farm, Winkleigh, Devon. Brothers and sister Robert, Alan and Frances Luxton had lived in the farm for many years. On 23 September 1975 their bodies were found with shotgun wounds outside their farmhouse.

Nataly Fish

Quand sort la recluse

Quand sort la recluse

Trois vieillards sont morts à quelques mois d'intervalle, après une piqûre d'araignée, la loxosceles rufescens. Le petit monde des arachnophiles s'affole : la bestiole aurait-elle muté après avoir ingéré trop de pesticides ? L'hypothèse d'Adamsberg est évidemment plus prosaïque : l'araignée ne cacherait-elle pas une série de meurtres ?..

Nataly Fish

Réclusion à mort

Réclusion à mort

Scott Barnes travailleur social, est déterminé à sauver un jeune garçon, Tommy, qui vend de la drogue. La seule manière d’aider Tommy est d’infiltrer le réseau mafieux de l’intérieur...

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

The Story of a Recluse

The Story of a Recluse

Alasdair Gray adapts the Robert Louis Stevenson story of the same name.

Nataly Fish

How to Be a Recluse

How to Be a Recluse

With humour and intelligence, this beautifully shot short offers a multitude of reasons for solo living.

Nataly Fish

One Recluse

One Recluse

In June 2008, Yang Jia carried a knife, a hammer, a gas mask, pepper spray, gloves and Molotov cocktails to the Zhabei Public Security Branch Bureau and killed six police officers, injuring another police officer and a guard. He was arrested on the scene, and was subsequently charged with intentional homicide. In the following six months, while Yan..

Nataly Fish

The Reclusive Waiting Before The Hills

The Reclusive Waiting Before The Hills

To fall asleep. Visions of grass and animals in the dark

Nataly Fish

Femmes en prison

Femmes en prison

Incarcérée à la suite d'un accident de la route meurtrier, la fragile Helene découvre que le quartier des femmes de la prison où elle doit effectuer sa peine est transformé en véritable enfer par le sadisme de la surveillante en chef et de ses sbires. Joan, une jeune femme dont le mari est lui aussi retenu dans la prison, est ainsi interrog�..

Nataly Fish

Forced Alliance

Forced Alliance

Four young friends, en route to the coast for a weekend of surfing and fun are forced to seek help from a strange recluse when their car breaks down. Jack Rattigan is a strange man living in an even stranger house, a decaying relic of a bygone age. Is Rattigan insane? Or are his words and acts and expression of a mind tortured by mortal anguish? Wh..

Nataly Fish

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