


La vie paisible des membres d'une famille isolée du reste de la société est bouleversée par une créature terrifiante qui met à l'épreuve les liens qui les unissent.

Nataly Fish

Quand sort la recluse

Quand sort la recluse

Trois vieillards sont morts à quelques mois d'intervalle, après une piqûre d'araignée, la loxosceles rufescens. Le petit monde des arachnophiles s'affole : la bestiole aurait-elle muté après avoir ingéré trop de pesticides ? L'hypothèse d'Adamsberg est évidemment plus prosaïque : l'araignée ne cacherait-elle pas une série de meurtres ?..

Nataly Fish

Réclusion à mort

Réclusion à mort

Scott Barnes travailleur social, est déterminé à sauver un jeune garçon, Tommy, qui vend de la drogue. La seule manière d’aider Tommy est d’infiltrer le réseau mafieux de l’intérieur...

Nataly Fish



A young couple awakens a terrible force when they attempt to socialize their reclusive neighbor.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Reclusorio III

Reclusorio III

3 real life stories taken from the Mexican police archive.

Nataly Fish



Experimental movie based on Franz Kafka's - A Little Fable.

Nataly Fish



A man moves into a basement, bringing along his most prized possessions.

Nataly Fish



The human and divine justice are exposed through five real life stories related to the legal processes of a prison. The cases presented are: "I want to stay in jail", "Blood between women", "The raped prostitute", "The kidnapped policeman", and "Euthanasia or murder?"

Nataly Fish



Two people struggling with loneliness and depression, each dealing with it in a different way.

Nataly Fish



After finding a video camera, a young man recites the events that lead him to be trapped in a room with a ferocious demon waiting just outside the door. But can his story be trusted?

Nataly Fish

The Story of a Recluse

The Story of a Recluse

Alasdair Gray adapts the Robert Louis Stevenson story of the same name.

Nataly Fish



"Recluse" is a short film I wanted to make as challenge to see if I could tell an effective story without dialogue and complete it in a 30 day time span. It ended up stretching out over the course of many months, mostly because I was getting "When Black Birds Fly" ready for release, but I'm pretty happy with the results! This is also the first film..

Nataly Fish



A beautiful young student house-sits for family friends, seeking peace and perspective. A psychotic killer on a weekend rampage finds refuge in the same secluded house, setting off an unsettling game of cat and mouse in this psychological horror film.

Nataly Fish

Suspicious Sounds of a Reclusive Housemate

Suspicious Sounds of a Reclusive Housemate

Three university students discover that their housemate might be a serial killer and must work out what to do next.

Nataly Fish



Tim is a recluse who sees the outside world as a frightening place. He wakes up one morning to discover that he has run out of milk and now he has to leave his home and face his biggest fears.

Nataly Fish



A glimpse into the morning routine of a morose recluse, following all the excitement of getting up, making toast, and looking out the window.

Nataly Fish

How to Be a Recluse

How to Be a Recluse

With humour and intelligence, this beautifully shot short offers a multitude of reasons for solo living.

Nataly Fish

Hikikomori : les reclus volontaires

Hikikomori : les reclus volontaires

Ce documentaire s'intéresse aux personnes, en France et au Japon, qui refusent tout contact avec la société. Elles se confinent volontairement dans leur chambre d’adolescent ou dans leur appartement, pendant des mois, des années, parfois des décennies. On les appelle les hikikomori, du verbe japonais hikikomoru, « se cloîtrer ».

Nataly Fish

Élisée Reclus, La Passion Du Monde
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