


"The Rebels". A hundred of Sweden's most radical leftists formed secret Maoist cells in Uppsala and Stockholm in 1968. They called themselves the Rebels. They began to retrain/reform individuals and families to lead Sweden into the Culture revolution. No revolution ever happened, still the rebels managed to shake up both themselves and the entire l..

Nataly Fish

Swing Kids

Swing Kids

A Hambourg, en 1939, deux jeunes passionnés de swing sont contraints de s’enrôler dans les Jeunesses Hitlériennes suite à une mauvaise blague faite à un membre de la Gestapo...

Nataly Fish

Some People

Some People

Four teen-aged Teds are persuaded to form a rock group and undertake the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme to keep them out of trouble.

Nataly Fish

The Boys from St. Petri

The Boys from St. Petri

A group of school-mates form a resistance group in nazi-occupied Denmark.

Nataly Fish



European statistics shows that every 6th youth between 18 and 24 drops out of school before finishing their upper high school education. Meet four Norwegians who have become high school dropouts.

Nataly Fish

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