


Le portrait d'une société multiraciale, de ses injustices criantes et de ses scandales à travers le destin de personnages issus des milieux les plus divers.

Nataly Fish



A new production of EL Doctorow's historical novel, recorded at the Cardiff International Festival of Musical Theatre. Broadcast as part of BBC4's America Night.

Nataly Fish



Desmond becomes fed up with the constant bullying in his local gym, and after some advice, he seeks help where he least expected it...

Nataly Fish

La Folle Parade

La Folle Parade

Classical violinist, Roger Grant disappoints his family and teacher when he organizes a jazz band, but he and the band become successful. Roger falls in love with the band's singer, Stella, but his reluctance to lose her leads him to thwart her efforts to become a solo star. When the World War separates them in 1917, Stella marries Roger's best fri..

Nataly Fish

Ragtime Reunion Concert

Ragtime Reunion Concert

This special event celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Broadway production. Ragtime weaves an electrifying tapestry of three families from vastly different worlds, colliding and converging as they chase the American Dream through a tumultuous era of hope, despair and the revolutionary sounds of ragtime.

Nataly Fish

Remembering Ragtime

Remembering Ragtime

Memories from the making of the classic Milos Forman film "Ragtime".

Nataly Fish

The Adventures of Ragtime

The Adventures of Ragtime

Ragtime is a miniature pet horse and the kids love him. But villains Sam and Lester think Ragtime can be their meal ticket. They kidnap the horse for ransom. Ragtime out-smarts the bad guys who are then happy to be hauled off to prison.

Nataly Fish

The Ragtime Band

The Ragtime Band

Professor Smelts the band leader gets into a romantic rivalry with one of his musicians over the affections of a pretty girl.

Nataly Fish

Ragtime Bear

Ragtime Bear

At the Hodge Podge Lodge, a crotchety, near-sighted Mister Magoo takes a banjo-playing bear to be his nephew, Waldo.

Nataly Fish

Ragtime Cowboy Joe

Ragtime Cowboy Joe

Le rancher Sam Osborne est tué par Bo Gilman, un bandit à la solde de l'avocat Virgil Parker, et Steve Logan, un étranger de passage, est accusé du meurtre. Il s'échappe et apprend que Parker veut s'approprier le cercle S au détriment de la fille de Osborne, Helen, criblée de dettes.

Nataly Fish

Ragtime Romeo

Ragtime Romeo

Flip the Frog serenades his feline sweetheart to the delight of everyone in her building-- Everyone, that is, except a homely cow, who is trying to get some sleep.

Nataly Fish

A Short Lecture and Demonstration on the Evolution of Ragtime as Presented by Jelly Roll Morton

A Short Lecture and Demonstration on the Evolution of Ragtime as Presented by Jelly Roll Morton

An astonishing Holy Grail-like glimpse of choreographer/dancer Anna Sokolow's famed 'A Short Lecture and Demonstration on the Evolution of Ragtime as Presented by Jelly Roll Morton' (1952), from Shirley Clarke's 'Home Movies #20'.

Nataly Fish

How to Dance Through Time Vol. 2: Dances of the Ragtime Era: 1910-1920

How to Dance Through Time Vol. 2: Dances of the Ragtime Era: 1910-1920

Volume II of the How to Dance Through Time series provides instructions and demonstrations of 44 fun, catchy steps. Learn about the social background and development of early 20th century ballroom dances the Castle Walk, Tango, Maxixe, and Hesitation Waltz, as well as Ragtime "animal" dances including the Fox Trot, Horse Trot, Kangaroo Hop, Duck Wa..

Nataly Fish

Ragtime Snap Shots

Ragtime Snap Shots

Lucas and Larkin, his running mate, after looking for a job for some time, finally land one in a photographer's shop and immediately start to take possession of the place. They rule supreme in their own inimitable way until a bespectacled college graduate arrives to have his diploma, and incidentally himself, photographed.

Nataly Fish

Oh, You Ragtime!

Oh, You Ragtime!

The famous pianist Tenorini has moved into the neighbourhood. He plays a song (a spring waltz from "Alexander's Ragtime Band") on the piano; it is such a joyful tune that everyone in the neighborhood starts to dance. When he finally stops everyone is exhausted.

Nataly Fish

Scott Joplin: King of Ragtime Composers

Scott Joplin: King of Ragtime Composers

A short 1977 documentary about the originator of the ragtime rhythm.

Nataly Fish

Alexander's Ragtime Band

Alexander's Ragtime Band

Three distinct segments: 1) A dog is taking a music lesson from a lion when a mouse starts playing as well. 2) The "Bouncing Ball" segment, consisting of the words to the title song. 3) Some kooky animation of an "Instrument Orchestra," in which the instruments are playing themselves, and a whole cast of animals march to the last chorus.

Nataly Fish



Experimental short by Masaki Matsushita.

Nataly Fish

Noble Sissle's Syncopated Ragtime

Noble Sissle's Syncopated Ragtime

Combines footage unseen since WWI with original scores from the era to re-tell the story of Noble Sissle's incredible journey that spans "The Harlem Hell Fighters" of World War I, Broadway Theatre, the Civil Rights movement, and decades of Black cultural development.

Nataly Fish

Russian Ragtime

Russian Ragtime

In Soviet Union young Misha is dreaming to see USA, but it seems highly unlikely...

Nataly Fish

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