


MAX loves to express herself through her physical appearance, specially through clothes: SHE LOVES CLOTHES!, but... because of this, she will find herself in a dilemma of who is she supposed to be: a person who is ruled by the world or the one who rules it, will she win this fight?

Nataly Fish

Un mariage sous condition

Un mariage sous condition

Deux amis d'enfance héritent du restaurant où ils se sont rencontrés à l'adolescence, mais à une condition : ils doivent se marier pour pouvoir prétendre à l'héritage.

Nataly Fish

When Women Rule the World

When Women Rule the World

Four young people get sucked into a time bending vortex to an apocalyptic future where women rule the earth.

Nataly Fish

Microbes Rule the World

Microbes Rule the World

Nataly Fish

Ces financiers qui dirigent le monde - BlackRock

Ces financiers qui dirigent le monde - BlackRock

Si l’argent ne fait pas le bonheur, il ouvre sans nul doute les portes du pouvoir. Une maxime que le groupe de gestion d'actifs BlackRock, avec ses 6 000 milliards de dollars américains passés, soit plus de deux fois le PIB de la France, connaît bien. Sociétés, gouvernements et banques centrales : l'entreprise tentaculaire ne cesse d'étendr..

Nataly Fish

The Conspiracy to Rule the World: From 911 to the Illuminati

The Conspiracy to Rule the World: From 911 to the Illuminati

Documentary that sheds light on a secretive cabal of political players and their efforts to consolidate power by deceiving the public about events such as the NASA moon landings, the attacks of September 11, 2001, and more.

Nataly Fish

New World Order: The Conspiracy to Rule Your Mind

New World Order: The Conspiracy to Rule Your Mind

New World Order: The Conspiracy to Rule Your Mind chronicles how the ruling elite have established global domination and the ability to effect the thoughts, decisions, and world view of human beings across the globe by systematically infiltrating the media, academia, industry, military and political factions under the guise of upholding democracy. ..

Nataly Fish

The Woman Gambler's Iron Rule

The Woman Gambler's Iron Rule

The woman gambler Ginko risks her life for her brother-in-law.

Nataly Fish

10 Rules for Winning Her Heart

10 Rules for Winning Her Heart

The 10 Rules comedy tells a story of a shy scientist Marek who falls hopelessly in love with a seemingly inaccessible girl. His friends determined to help him, call Marek’s father, a successful publisher of books on the subject of how to get a woman. Together, they begin to develop a very peculiar course on girl psychology. However, do these 10 s..

Nataly Fish



Joe Wilson va rejoindre sa fiancée, Katherine, mais il est arrêté car on le prend par erreur pour un criminel qui a kidnappé un enfant et exigé une rançon. Il est incarcéré, certaines coïncidences suffisant à établir sa culpabilité : il détient, par exemple, un billet qui faisait partie de la rançon versée. La nouvelle se propage rap..

Nataly Fish

Exceptions Without Rules

Exceptions Without Rules

An almanac of short feature films based on stories by Mikhail Mishin from the collection of short stories "Pause in a Major".

Nataly Fish

Rule of Two Walls

Rule of Two Walls

An intimate look at the war in Ukraine, as seen through the eyes of Ukrainian artists who remain in their country to make art as a defiant act in the face of aggression.

Nataly Fish

Love without Rules

Love without Rules

A major of little Russian town decides to build a brothel in order to fight female half of town population...

Nataly Fish

Wife Rules: The Movie

Wife Rules: The Movie

Four close friends travel to Bali with their wives. Their wives think they were brought to Bali for a romantic second honeymoon, however the husbands secretly got tickets for a concert of the sexy girl group "Trio Ganas".

Nataly Fish

A Game without Rules

A Game without Rules

A robbery in a Prague jeweler's shop results in the shop manager Kubát and his deputy Litera being shot and wounded. The culprits take the jewelery away in a stolen car and that very night hide the loot tens of kilometers outside Prague in a forest. Then the three robbers part with each other. One of them, Burian, leaves in the same car, the other..

Nataly Fish

La Loi de la banane

La Loi de la banane

C’est l’histoire d’un simple fruit, sur lequel s’est bâti un empire, la United Fruit Company. Un fruit qui a conquis les marchés du monde, et dévasté l’Amérique Centrale… Ce fruit, c’est la banane. Son histoire est rocambolesque. S’y croisent des pionniers du capitalisme mondialisé, des dictateurs « bananiers », Che Guevarra..

Nataly Fish

Game Without Rules

Game Without Rules

The Second World War is over. The post-war Germany is divided into several responsibility zones. Still many Russian people languish in camps located in the American zone. Though former allies are in no hurry to let them off to the motherland, and even try to enroll some of them. The American intelligence agency gets to know that they've got a daugh..

Nataly Fish

Love Without Rules

Love Without Rules

He is a star of theater and cinema, his day is scheduled by the minute – shooting in blockbusters, starring roles on the stage, broadcasts of central channels, photo shoots for the covers of glamorous magazines. She is a modest girl from the province, her fate is to be a concierge in the house of stars and look at the passing heroes of the gossip..

Nataly Fish

The World Is a House and There Are Rules in This House

The World Is a House and There Are Rules in This House

Felix Leffrank deals with the ups and downs of an artist’s life in colourful, computer-animated images. During his ordeal between depression, writer’s block, anger and urban loneliness, a story-teller is accompanied by three weird birds who sometimes appear as annoying neighbours, sometimes as inner demons. Jung, Freud and the psychologist Dr. ..

Nataly Fish

Dry Wives and Ruling Husbands

Dry Wives and Ruling Husbands

Japanese comedy film.

Nataly Fish

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