


Depuis quelques années, on assiste à l'apparition de pouvoirs psychiques chez certains adolescents. Télékinésie, prévision du futur ou contrôle mental, ces facultés deviennent un enjeu pour la sécurité nationale. Traqués par le gouvernement, quelques survivants se réfugient à Hong Kong et décident d'unir leurs forces pour s'opposer d�..

Nataly Fish

Push - Chassés des villes

Push - Chassés des villes

Les prix des logements montent en flèche dans les villes du monde entier. Les revenus des habitants ne suffisent plus. Push met en lumière un nouveau type de propriétaire sans visage, les villes de plus en plus invivables et la crise croissante qui nous affecte tous. Ce n'est pas de la gentrification c’est un autre type de plaie. Le film suit ..

Nataly Fish



Drugs, sex and the allure of fast money blur the boundaries between two very different societies in Miami. Joe and his two best friends, Kevin and Mickey, are struggling to get ahead, dissatisfied with their lives and current financial situation. When a package of ecstasy ends up in their possession at a nightclub, they are enticed by the prospect ..

Nataly Fish



A restless, bored, and pregnant woman gives a defiant 12-year old boy a ride home and pushes him over an emotional line he did not know he was crossing that day.

Nataly Fish



Serenity has spent months orchestrating a high tech, identity theft heist that will payoff big that no one will expect from her and her team. Her employer doesn't believe she can pull it off. The men in her employ are too busy trying to gain her affection. While the owners of the boutique she works in as a cover, bring their own bag full of drama. ..

Nataly Fish



Athletes are pushing the limits of the sport of skiing to new heights everyday, Push takes you around the world with the likes of Simon Dumont, Shane McConkey, Mark Abma, Rory Bushfield, and many others to such locations as Japan, China, Norway, Terrace B.C., Aspen CO, and Whistler B.C.

Nataly Fish



Watch athletes push the limits of the sport of skiing in Japan, China, Norway and more locations around the world.

Nataly Fish



A young man from Las Vegas, searching for his place in the world, learns about himself through his friendship and extreme sports in picturesque Lake Tahoe.

Nataly Fish



At a superhero themed funeral for their creepy uncle, sisters Gabi and Andi push each other to breaking point over the negotiation of a possible pregnancy.

Nataly Fish



“Push,” is a story of self-discovery, found in the simple joys of skateboarding. This film explores ideas of identity and quickly becomes an anthem for the inner strength that can be found in finding a community.

Nataly Fish



On/Off, On/Off, On/Off – this is the urban rhythm of PUSH by the Spanish film-maker Gorka Aguado. Through the use of switches, buttons, and handles from ordinary objects like microwaves, stereos, cars, doors, and toilets, Gorka has succeeded in choreographing a mechanical dance of daily routines. The different forms, textures, and colors are supe..

Nataly Fish



A young man, on a tumultuous path of self destruction, must fight to overcome his personal demons in search for higher ground.

Nataly Fish



This is the video that set the standard that all other paintball videos will be compared to, professionally captured on film and video by people who play the sport. This documentary covers all aspects of the professional paintballer’s life. PUSH features top teams such as Ironmen, Avalanche, Aftershock, and Image to show you what it takes to be ..

Nataly Fish



A slice of life 2D animated film about the evolving relationship between a grandfather and his grandson.

Nataly Fish

Pushpa: The Rise

Pushpa: The Rise

Pushpa Raj est un coolie qui grandit dans le monde de la contrebande de bois de santal rouge. En cours de route, il n'hésite pas à se faire un ennemi ou deux.

Nataly Fish



A Copenhague, Frank vend de l'héroïne et fréquente le milieu de la petite criminalité. Sa dette envers le trafiquant serbe Milo l'incite à tenter un gros coup. Mais la police fait irruption pendant la transaction, et au cours de la poursuite qui s'ensuit, Frank perd à la fois la marchandise et l'argent. De rage, Frank expédie à l'hôpital s..

Nataly Fish

Pusher II : Du sang sur les mains

Pusher II : Du sang sur les mains

Tonny, un petit criminel de Copenhague, sort de prison et retourne au garage qui sert de couverture à Smeden, son père dit “Le Duc”, qui règne avec brutalité sur un gang. Pour montrer sa bonne volonté, Tonny vole une Ferrari, mais son initiative est accueillie avec colère par son père, qui lui reproche d'avoir agi stupidement. En même t..

Nataly Fish

Pusher III : L'Ange de la mort

Pusher III : L'Ange de la mort

Milo, un trafiquant de drogue serbe, suit une thérapie de groupe pour soigner sa toxicomanie. Aujourd'hui, sa fille fête son 25e anniversaire, et il doit préparer un banquet pour une quarantaine de convives. En plein préparatif, il doit aussi veiller à ses affaires en cours. Il attend une livraison d'héroïne. A la place, il se retrouve avec ..

Nataly Fish



Two sisters fight over the events of the previous night.

Nataly Fish

Derren Brown: The Push

Derren Brown: The Push

Le mentaliste Derren Brown démontre dans une expérience sociale provocante comment on peut amener une personne lambda à commettre un acte effroyable en la manipulant.

Nataly Fish

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