
Puppy Love

Puppy Love

Après un premier rendez-vous catastrophique, Nicole, une rebelle dans l’âme, et Max, un introverti anxieux, jurent de perdre leurs numéros de téléphone respectifs. Ça, c’est jusqu’à ce qu’ils apprennent que leurs chiens attendent des chiots. Nicole et Max sont obligés de devenir des coparents responsables. Peut-être finiront-ils pa..

Nataly Fish

Puppy Love

Puppy Love

A prophetic young dishwasher with brain-damage and a homeless prostitute are brought together through obscene circumstances and embark on a perverse journey through the gutter.

Nataly Fish

Puppy Love

Puppy Love

Apple, who owns a puppy, has been miserably single for as long as she can remember. She gave all her love to her dog that she has had for many years. Then one day some strange things happen in the car.

Nataly Fish

Un amour de chien

Un amour de chien

Ben est un joueur de Baseball professionnel et ses matches le font voyager dans tous les Etats Unis. Mais la séparation avec son chien Jake lui brise le coeur. En son absence, c'est Ryles, son colocataire, qui s'occupe de Jake. Un jour, le chien s'échappe avant d'être capturé par la fourrière. Il est immédiatement adopté par une maman célib..

Nataly Fish

Puppy Love

Puppy Love

Au seuil de la puberté, une fille a le sentiment de perdre une présence qui lui est chère. Son corps change, semble lui jouer des tours. Mais peut-être lui réserve-t-il également de belles surprises…

Nataly Fish

Le Premier Amour

Le Premier Amour

Mickey est venu offrir des chocolats à Minnie, en compagnie de Pluto. Mais le chien et Fifi, la chienne de Minnie, décident d'ouvrir la boîte et de manger les chocolats.

Nataly Fish

Puppy Love

Puppy Love

A young bachelor purchases a puppy in an attempt to meet women and soon realizes a relationship built entirely on a dog may not be as stable as he thought

Nataly Fish

Puppy Love

Puppy Love

A curious title given that for 50 minutes, Januszczak snarls his way through a canine critique and it’s not clear which he despises more, dogs or their owners. He visits a dog show which he regards as incorrigibly eccentric and he considers breeding practices to be the canine equivalent of eugenics practised by the Nazis. “We breed them until..

Nataly Fish

Puppy Love

Puppy Love

Nataly Fish

Puppy Love

Puppy Love

An internet predator gets more than he bargained for when arranging to meet his prey in person.

Nataly Fish

Puppy Love

Puppy Love

Atlanta African American family drama short

Nataly Fish

Puppy Love

Puppy Love

Shh.h.h.h.h. You shouldn't tell Nenita's got a CRUSH on Manding.

Nataly Fish

Puppy Love

Puppy Love

A Flip The Frog cartoon....

Nataly Fish

Un anniversaire qui a du chien  !

Un anniversaire qui a du chien !

Lorsque deux amoureux se séparent, leurs chiens mettent sur pied un plan pour les réunir.

Nataly Fish

More Than Puppy Love

More Than Puppy Love

This is the story of a girl, her dog, and a man who needs to regain his self-reliance. Curtis Peterson, a strong, vital man in his late twenties, and his wife Marie want to start a family. Tragedy strikes when Curtis is paralyzed in a construction accident. Meanwhile, another family welcomes an addition to its household. Teenager Steve Barnett adop..

Nataly Fish

Kipper - Puppy Love

Kipper - Puppy Love

"Meet Kipper™, a lovable dog with a big imagination!" Nothing Ever Happens: Kipper is excited to discover a magician’s top hat. But when he overlooks a magic wand, he misses out on the magic it can bring to a boring day. Tiger’s Torch: What better place to shine Tiger’s new torch than on a camp-out! Can Kipper us the torch to find what appe..

Nataly Fish

Lily: More Than Puppy Love

Lily: More Than Puppy Love

Nataly Fish

Mommy Loves Puppy

Mommy Loves Puppy

A walrus steals the brandy from a Saint Bernard puppy.

Nataly Fish

Puppy Love

Puppy Love

Story is about a couple of girls named Ching (Lam San San) and An An (Pak Wan Yin) who have been rivals ever since they were little kids. The main gist of the story, besides trying to go one up on each other, deals with the girls’ hot pursuit of super jock, Paul (Chan Chun Kwok). Ching is the first one to gain Paul’s attention while An An is bu..

Nataly Fish

Ice Kacang Puppy Love

Ice Kacang Puppy Love

Botak, the son of a coffee shop owner, is secretly in love with tomboy Fighting Fish, who has grown up with him since she and her mother came to live with them a decade or so ago. Angry at her mother for deserting her no-good father when she was still young, Fighting Fish sets out one day to find him, with Botak in tow.

Nataly Fish

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