
Psycho Girls

Psycho Girls

A woman breaks out of an insane asylum, accompanied by two crazed inmates, to kill her sister.

Nataly Fish

Girl in Captivity, Psycho Torture Chamber

Girl in Captivity, Psycho Torture Chamber

Sakurano plays a girl named Kimika who wakes up chained up in a dark boiler room, unsure of how she got there. She’s soon approached by a strange large man wearing a mask and using a creepy voice changer. The girl is the daughter of Daisuke (Kenji Ezure), the shrewd president of a general contracting company. Daisuke was too occupied with an ong..

Nataly Fish

Girls Gone Psycho

Girls Gone Psycho

Life's always been easy for trust-fund baby Sasha Childers (Kinsey Packard), who spends her nights with her glitterati friends at the hottest clubs in town. When a sex tape surfaces that puts Sasha in the tabloids, she takes revenge on the club owner who leaked it. But her crime puts her on someone else's hit list, sending Sasha and her friends som..

Nataly Fish

Psycho Girls

Psycho Girls

A young woman and her friends revenge on guy who rape her, but who knows when she's gonna pay the same...

Nataly Fish

The Psycho Girl

The Psycho Girl

Nataly Fish

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