


Vienna’s Prater is an amusement park and a desire machine. No mechanical invention, no novel idea or sensational innovation could escape incorporation into the Prater. The diverse story-telling in Ulrike Ottinger’s film “Prater” transforms this place of sensations into a modern cinema of attractions. The Prater’s history from the beginnin..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



The experimental short Prater by Friedrich Kuplent can be considered as a pioneering work of Austrian avant-garde film and a city symphony. His film portrays Vienna through a day at the city's famous Prater fairground.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



With P.R.A.T.E.R. Schmidt turned his attention to the place where, once, the medium first came into existence (the Prater is P.R.A.T.E.R. is marked by a strongly repetitive flow. Schmidt's prime interest lies with people, their facial expressions and manner of looking. The film is in two parts; while the first acts as an exposé of the main themes,..

Nataly Fish

Le Cochon Pratique

Le Cochon Pratique

Après que ses deux frères aient été capturés, le troisième petit cochon invente une machine pour capturer le grand méchant loup.

Nataly Fish

Surf et pêche au Pérou : une pratique millénaire

Surf et pêche au Pérou : une pratique millénaire

À Huanchaco, un village côtier du nord du Pérou, on raconte que le surf aurait été inventé il y a trois mille ans par des pêcheurs embarqués sur des "caballitos de totora", des petites pirogues construites en roseau. À 60 ans, Lorenzo Ucañan continue de pratiquer cette pêche ancestrale et dirige l’association réunissant les derniers d..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Trees Are Blooming in Vienna

Trees Are Blooming in Vienna

Nataly Fish

Im Prater blühn wieder die Bäume
Der Wiener Prater im Film

Der Wiener Prater im Film

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Die Pratermizzi

Die Pratermizzi

Nataly Fish

Wer einmal da ist... bleibt - Praterleute

Wer einmal da ist... bleibt - Praterleute

A glimpse behind the scenes of the world's oldest entertainment park, Vienna's Prater. The little, grotesque city within the city has for generations been the home of showmen rich in tradition.

Nataly Fish

Zwei Vagabunden im Prater

Zwei Vagabunden im Prater

Nataly Fish

Wiener Prater Picknick – Ein musikalischer Ferien-Auftakt mit den Wiener Symphonikern
Im Wiener Prater

Im Wiener Prater

Im Wiener Prater is not about the amusement park that one normally associates with this name. The spectacle in the film takes place in a much more basic sense. Right at the start, we see a camera tripod left standing, and instead, the filmmaker has set off to track down a woman (artist Martina L.). Carefully, concealed—with a thoroughly male-code..

Nataly Fish

Blind ermittelt: Tod im Prater

Blind ermittelt: Tod im Prater

Philipp Hochmair, the newly appointed special investigator, and his partner Andreas Guenther immerse themselves in the equally dazzling and twilight world of the Prater showmen in the sixth "Vienna thriller". To solve the murder of a strikingly successful businessman, the opposing duo must not only uncover his secrets, but also get a tight-knit cir..

Nataly Fish

Little House: Bless All the Dear Children

Little House: Bless All the Dear Children

During preparation for Christmas baby Rose Wilder is kidnapped by the woman who recently lost her child. Looking for her Laura, Almanzo and Mr Edwards meet lonely orphan boy, who finally stays with that woman.

Nataly Fish

Little House: Look Back to Yesterday

Little House: Look Back to Yesterday

Albert Quinn Ingalls wants to be a doctor. But soon he discovers that he is fatally ill. He decides to spend the rest of his life in Walnut Grove. Meanwhile children from school are preparing for their traditional climbing of the mountain.

Nataly Fish

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