
Brainwashed - Le sexisme au cinéma

Brainwashed - Le sexisme au cinéma

Analysant avec rigueur plus de 175 extraits de films, la réalisatrice Nina Menkes montre qu'un sexisme systémique guide la représentation des femmes au cinéma. Le septième art, "langage commun de la culture du viol" ?

Nataly Fish

The Hidden Power of Purpose

The Hidden Power of Purpose

Narrated by Debbie Allen, the film bridges inspiring stories of individuals who have found purpose in their lives with the insights of leading scientists whose work affirms that living with purpose improves health and longevity.

Nataly Fish

Piratensender Powerplay

Piratensender Powerplay

Tommy and Mike operate a famous pirate radio station, Germany's most listened-to radio station. The police and the operators of the Bavarian Broadcast Company try to stop their illegal broadcast.

Nataly Fish

Power Rangers Megaforce: Ultra Defenders

Power Rangers Megaforce: Ultra Defenders

Video release consisted of 20 season's episode 13, 14, 16, 17. Power Rangers battle mutants to stop a super-monster that was created from an Aurora box.

Nataly Fish

If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power

If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power

Un film-événement d'une durée d'une heure incluant des images et de la musique sorties tout droit du quatrième album de la chanteuse Halsey : "If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power"

Nataly Fish

Les Supers Nanas, Danse avec les Supers Nanas

Les Supers Nanas, Danse avec les Supers Nanas

Les Powerpuff Girls ont toujours sauvé le monde avant l'heure du coucher, mais Mojo Jojo est de retour avec son plan le plus diabolique à ce jour. Alors que Blossom, Bubbles et Buttercup affrontent leur ennemi, les filles ont peut-être trouvé le seul défi qui les oblige à rester debout après l'heure du coucher.

Nataly Fish

Power Slap 7: Wolverine vs. Turpin 2

Power Slap 7: Wolverine vs. Turpin 2

Power Slap announced its seventh live event, POWER SLAP 7: WOLVERINE VS. TURPIN 2, will take place Friday, April 12 in Las Vegas.

Nataly Fish



A beautiful blonde con-woman and martial artist seduces wealthy bachelors and grifts them out of their money using her wiles and deadly force if necessary.

Nataly Fish

Deaw Special: Super Soft Power

Deaw Special: Super Soft Power

Match de foot des étoiles, aléas gênants du dating : le comique thaïlandais Udom Taephanich partage avec franchise des anecdotes sur sa vie pour le moins chaotique.

Nataly Fish

Legião Power World: Epic Saga

Legião Power World: Epic Saga

The famous Legião Power World, a group of powerful superheroes, is facing challenging times with the loss of team members, villain attacks, and issues involving the government. All of this is causing panic in the city, and the Legion needs to solve all these challenges before the group is completely destroyed.

Nataly Fish

David Tao 2003 HK Soul Power Concert
Power Rangers Super Megaforce: The Legendary Battle

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: The Legendary Battle

Video release consisted of 21 season's episodes 17, 18, 19, 20. Heroic teens Troy, Noah, Emma, Gia, and Jake have defended our planet countless times as the newest generation of Power Rangers. But when evil Emperor Mavro launches his entire alien Armada in a final strike against Earth, these five best friends are called back into action! To defeat ..

Nataly Fish

The Powerpuff Girls Rule!!!

The Powerpuff Girls Rule!!!

Les Powerpuff Girls font face à leur plus grand défi dans cet épisode spécial du 10e anniversaire. Il existe une clé du monde, qui est transmise de ville en ville chaque année. Celui qui possède la clé règne sur le monde entier. Lorsque la clé est livrée à Townsville, tous les méchants de la ville tentent de la récupérer. Lorsque les..

Nataly Fish

Power Slap 6: KO Chris vs. Muniz

Power Slap 6: KO Chris vs. Muniz

Las Vegas – Power Slap announced its sixth live event, POWER SLAP 6: KO CHRIS VS. MUNIZ, will take place Friday, February 9 at Durango Casino & Resort in Las Vegas during Super Bowl Weekend. Power Slap 6 is the live finale event of Power Slap: Road to the Title, Season 2, and is presented by Monster Energy.

Nataly Fish

Reading Aloud: What Is Power? by Fred Dewey (short version)

Reading Aloud: What Is Power? by Fred Dewey (short version)

The late Fred Dewey’s essay "What Is Power?" rendered on film becomes something like a Greek chorus of very different voices, rising to affirm what we find hardest to believe at this moment: that power does not in fact reside among the powerful but is always there for we, the people, to reclaim. This film adds a new dimension to a text which asks..

Nataly Fish

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Alpha's Magical Christmas

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Alpha's Magical Christmas

Alpha 5, Zordon, and the kids from Angel Grove celebrate Christmas.

Nataly Fish

L'Infinie puissance du cœur

L'Infinie puissance du cœur

Le réalisateur du film "LE SECRET" nous offre ce film unique qui transforme notre vision de la vie grâce à l'extraordinaire puissance du cœur. Avec les plus grands maîtres des traditions spirituelles du monde tels que Paulo Coelho, Maya Angelou, Deepak Chopra, Isabel Allende et Eckhart Tolle, véritables sources d'inspiration, ce film magnifiq..

Nataly Fish

Power Rangers: Origins

Power Rangers: Origins

With Rita Repulsa dead, Goldar, an intergalactic titan, looks to wreak havoc on earth which faces its biggest threat yet. Destiny soon calls and five unlikely misfits are brought together to save the planet from utter destruction. With the fate of the world lying in their hands, our group of heroes come together to form an elite team known as ... T..

Nataly Fish

Divide & Dominate: How the Powerful Steal More Power

Divide & Dominate: How the Powerful Steal More Power

Money, Media, and Legislation. Using these three means, your livelihood is being subverted and coopted by politicians and their cronies... and it's only getting worse. This documentary gives you a front row seat to the methodically planned and perpetual corruption of our "democracy." It's about time we fought back. Go to peacefulseaproductions.com..

Nataly Fish

Power Trip

Power Trip

Corruption, assassination and street rioting surround the story of the award-winning film, Power Trip, which follows an American multi-national trying to solve the electricity crisis in Tbilisi, capital of the former Soviet Republic of Georgia. Power Trip provides insight into today's headlines, with a graphic, on-the-ground depiction of the challe..

Nataly Fish

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