
Playing with Gods

Playing with Gods

The documentary dives intimately behind the scenes of the Finnish National Opera and sucks the viewer in like the best of thrillers. The three hours fly by, even for those who aren’t necessarily interested in opera as an art form.

Nataly Fish

Playing God

Playing God

A brother and sister con-artist duo find themselves scamming a grieving billionaire by convincing him they can introduce him to God, face-to-face.

Nataly Fish

Playing God

Playing God

The 78-year-old former architect Richard Gärtner (Matthias Habich) wants to put an end to his life. However, this should not be done abroad, but quite legally with the help of his family doctor. For Dr. Brandt (Anna Maria Mühe), out of personal conviction, it is out of the question to get her elderly but healthy patient a fatal preparation.

Nataly Fish

JC comme Jésus Christ

JC comme Jésus Christ

Une Palme d’or à 15 ans, un César à 16, cette année JC passe le bac… Jean-Christophe Kern, dit JC, n’est pas un adolescent comme les autres. Mélange de Jean-Luc Godard et Justin Bieber, à 17 ans il navigue entre ses Miel Pops devant la télé après l’école et une vie professionnelle digne d’un Stanley Kubrick.

Nataly Fish

Fais-toi Dieu

Fais-toi Dieu

“Fais-toi Dieu” est un film d’actions (au pluriel) rythmé par la création d’un archétype de la création dénommé Anima et par son infiltration sur le terrain de la foi catholique et païenne mexicaine. Ces actions orchestrées invitent à construire collectivement un culte à l’imagination de l’homme créateur, y compris des dieux,..

Nataly Fish

God Plays Sax, the Devil Violin

God Plays Sax, the Devil Violin

They are patients in a psychiatric hospital in Romania and marginalized persons whose social status has been removed. You think they will only say crazy things, but you don't want them to be like ordinary people, be good, love, and even create often... It's just that all this is confined to the hospital wall. The title is a gimmick, just one senten..

Nataly Fish

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