
Remember the Germans

Remember the Germans

The conflict of a German man, Robert, who worked during the war for U.S Intelligence and now has been drawn back to his country to be honoured by his old University.

Nataly Fish

End of Story

End of Story

Play about a television playwright's attempts to make a mark when an opportunity is given to him to fill a slot left by a recently deceased rival. The poor state of the playwright's marriage also motivates him to prove his worth.

Nataly Fish

Unexpectedly Vacant

Unexpectedly Vacant

A husband and wife acting team face the growing realisation that they will never be better than mediocre during a summer spent in rep.

Nataly Fish

A Sound from the Sea

A Sound from the Sea

While hitchhiking towards the coast, two young men find themselves trapped at an inn by its strange landlord and his beautiful wife.

Nataly Fish

The Pueblo Affair

The Pueblo Affair

A reconstruction of an event in 1968 when a converted cargo ship the USS Pueblo was seized by the North Korean Navy as a spy ship. It was supposed to be protected by the US Pacific Fleet but they are out of range at this time. The play concerns Captain Bucher and his crew left on their own to deal with duty, their own lives and preventing another K..

Nataly Fish

Don't Touch Him, He Might Resent It

Don't Touch Him, He Might Resent It

A group of business enjoying a lavish night on expenses at the Atlantis Hotel fear it is the end of the road for their fradulent collaboration when they suspect a Fraud Squad investigator is in their midst. Comedy based on an idea from Gogol's play 'The Government Inspector'.

Nataly Fish

The High Game

The High Game

The owner of a drinking club in London's Shepherd Market becomes invovled in a game of intrigue, blackmail and murder.

Nataly Fish

The Creeper

The Creeper

A young man starts a new job as companion to a wealthy, eccentric recluse who lives in a large house in a remote area. The only others living there are an aged butler and a companion about to leave. It transpires that there is more to this curious household than meets the eye.

Nataly Fish

The Double Agent

The Double Agent

In London, a traitor is selling information. In Moscow, a Yorkshire cloth salesman is approached by the KGB, who believe he has more to sell than cloth.

Nataly Fish

The Switch

The Switch

South Vietnam. Working as the head of voluntary relief team Henry Martin objects to the use of torture on prisoners. Martin's principles are tested when his young son is kidnapped and a prisoner may have information on his whereabouts.

Nataly Fish

A Friend Indeed

A Friend Indeed

Sir Lionel Hibury is visiting an old friend in Rome, accompanied by his wife and daughter. Sir Lionel is not pleased when daughter, Sheila, become romantically involved with a wealthy young man staying in the flat above them.

Nataly Fish

Two Days That Shook the Branch

Two Days That Shook the Branch

Des, an enthusiastic incompetent, always promises rather more that he can deliver.

Nataly Fish

Last Wishes

Last Wishes

An elderly recluse dies in the process of changing her will. The change would have meant that the servants would continue to live i n her house - now it seems they will be homeless.

Nataly Fish

The Reaper

The Reaper

Jilted by a fickle former pupil Rachel sometime ago, school teacher Nick had yearned someday she would return to him as predicted in the Tarot Cards he had read at the time. To his joy, Rachel does return .but the world has moved on since.

Nataly Fish

Aren't We All

Aren't We All

production of the play by Frederick Lonsdale. Lord Grenham, a womaniser all his life, tries to mend his son's marriage and finds he might have met his match.

Nataly Fish

Cold Harbour

Cold Harbour

A beautiful Chilean exile called Tina is stranded in a new country.

Nataly Fish

The Best of Enemies

The Best of Enemies

In Occupied France, a cultured civilised German ofi ccer is billeted out and stirs up conflicting emotions in the household.

Nataly Fish

Some Enchanted Evening

Some Enchanted Evening

Comedy in which a young Geordie, Peter, is put under pressure by his fiancee who wants him to name the wedding day. Enough pressure to make him consider jumping off the Tyne Bridge. Peter tells the story to a lass he meets at a club.

Nataly Fish

The Blacktoft Diaries: True or False?

The Blacktoft Diaries: True or False?

Spoof story, set in the 1950s, about espionage in a humberside village.

Nataly Fish

The Winkler

The Winkler

Set in the near future, civil servants are busy winkling out and repatriating all first generation immigrants. The attempt drowns in paper until the form-filling is curtailed in the name of efficiency.

Nataly Fish

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