


A friendship is put to the test when secrets are revealed prior to a weekly pickup basketball game at the gym.

Nataly Fish



Jan Horak is a middle-aged railroad dispatcher stationed at a forsaken spot in the desert, within driving distance of the nearest town. A widower, he has saved his money and goes to town to buy a dog, meets Betty, a flashy blonde who gains his confidence and marries him to acquire his $7,000 "fortune."

Nataly Fish



Megan's controlled family life is shaken by her destructive addiction.

Nataly Fish



Sexy hippie chicks Carol and Maureen get more than they bargained for when they hitch a ride with groovy hippie dude Chuck in his nifty mobile bus home. The trio get lost in the Florida Everglades following a fierce rain storm and embark on a startling spiritual journey of self-discovery.

Nataly Fish



The scheme of a pair of married con artists goes awry when their victim dies, and they are both caught and imprisoned. When she gets out of prison, she tries to put her life back together.

Nataly Fish

Le Port de la drogue

Le Port de la drogue

Le pickpocket Skip McCoy subtilise - dans la poche de la jolie Candy - un portefeuille contenant un microfilm destiné à son patron dénommé Joey qui est avocat. Candy, soupçonnée d'espionnage par le FBI, est filée par le capitaine Tiger qui, témoin du vol, prend en filature Skip McCoy. L'un et l'autre le retrouvent bientôt et Candy s'épren..

Nataly Fish

The Perfect Pickup

The Perfect Pickup

Quatre amis de longue date qui échouent lamentablement dans le monde des rencontres, se sont mis à la recherche du moyen " parfait " de ramasser des femmes. Les leçons tirées de leurs essais se révèlent cependant être bien plus que ce qu'elles avaient initialement prévu.

Nataly Fish

Le dragueur

Le dragueur

Jack, jeune Américain plein d'assurance, est un impénitent dragueur a qui aucune demoiselle ne résiste. Il les a toutes sauf une, Randy, qui reste insensible à ses avances. Pour gagner son coeur, le garçon ira jusqu'à sauver son alcoolique de père, impliqué dans les pires embrouilles avec des créanciers peu scrupuleux .....

Nataly Fish

Paiement cash

Paiement cash

Un industriel americain, Harry Mitchell, mène une vie très active entre son entreprise florissante et sa femme Barbara qui "manage" un homme politique. Mais Harry s'est entiché d'une jeune mannequin et le jour où il décide de rompre, un maitre-chanteur et deux complices lui projettent une cassette contenant des preuves irréfutables de cette a..

Nataly Fish

Deadly Pickup

Deadly Pickup

Breezy isn't your ordinary hitch-hiker: she's sexy, fun... and a cold-blooded killer. As deadly as a viper, Breezy murders her victims with a poisonous ring. As she preys on highway pickups, Breezy moves from town to town, finally settling briefly as a boarder in the house of a young couple who have no idea what kind of sexual wolf they've just let..

Nataly Fish

The Pickup

The Pickup

A guy who becomes smitten with a woman and finds himself mixed up in a heist attempt.

Nataly Fish

Le monte-charge

Le monte-charge

Robert revient à Paris après 7 ans, un 24 décembre. Séduit par la belle Marthe, épouse d'un prestigieux brocheur rencontrée au restaurant, il la raccompagne chez elle avec sa petite fille. Cherchant chacun la compagnie de l'autre, Marthe l'invite à prendre un verre. Ils empruntent le monte-charge de l'usine et arrivent à son domicile. Le m�..

Nataly Fish

The Pickup Game

The Pickup Game

Generating over a billion dollars a year, the pickup industry is shocking, secretive and—to put it politely—scummy. Built upon myths and manipulation, expensive workshops and training videos push an agenda that women are biologically attracted to alpha males. If men can learn techniques to overcome their shyness and become socially dominant, th..

Nataly Fish

Three Pick-Up Men for Herrick

Three Pick-Up Men for Herrick

The second short film Melvin Van Peebles made in San Francisco before decamping for Europe is a striking portrait of a group of day labourers competing to secure a job.

Nataly Fish

Piccadilly Pickups

Piccadilly Pickups

A quirky, satirical seduction into the glorious world of prostitution and pornography from Piccadilly, Manchester to Piccadilly, London. Teenager Jake sets off for London with the promise of making easy money as a rent boy. But difficulties arise as he breaches another boy's patch, is pimped by a pro and is tempted into the sleazy world of gender-b..

Nataly Fish

Operation of the Glider Pick-Up by the C-47

Operation of the Glider Pick-Up by the C-47

This government documentary short film depicts and explains the processes for retrieving a glider in the field. In combat situations in World War II, gliders were used to transport men and materiel to sites not suitable for landing powered aircraft, and the gliders were constructed so that they could be reused. The preparation of the grounded glide..

Nataly Fish

Doin' It in the Park: Pick-Up Basketball, NYC

Doin' It in the Park: Pick-Up Basketball, NYC

A New York, le “pick-up basketball” n'est pas seulement un sport, il est un mode de vie. Doin’ It In The Park explore ce mouvement à travers les témoignages des acteurs mêmes du playground. Ils sont amateurs, hommes, femmes, incarcérés, handicapés, ou encore des légendes, des athlètes de la NBA ou des journalistes sportifs, tous parta..

Nataly Fish

The Blonde Pick-Up

The Blonde Pick-Up

Scalli is a gangster who manages women wrestlers as a front for his bookmaking, drug, and prostitution rackets. He trusts the wrong people and ends up trying to run away from both the police and mysterious mob boss Mr. Big, to whom he owes $35,000.

Nataly Fish

Order for Pickup

Order for Pickup

Trapped in a cycle of work and self-isolation, burnt out Kelsey’s reality starts to blur until an irregular order for pickup disrupts everything.

Nataly Fish

Pickup on 101

Pickup on 101

An elderly wanderer, a sexy young girl running away from home and a folk singer looking for stardom hitch-hike their way cross-country, trying to get to California.

Nataly Fish

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