


O is locked up and although his escape attempts keep failing he keeps persisting. In one way or another he'll manage to escape.

Nataly Fish

Mortelle performance

Mortelle performance

Comme beaucoup de jeunes comédiennes qui ne trouvent pas de rôles et ont du mal à joindre les deux bouts, Dana gagne sa vie en étant serveuse. Elle accepte un contrat atypique que lui envoie son agent : prendre la place de Leesa Thomas, importante agent immobilier, au cours d'un cocktail. Pour cette simple "prestation", Dana touche 10 000 dolla..

Nataly Fish

Yakuza Wolf 1, I Perform Murder

Yakuza Wolf 1, I Perform Murder

Un homme intrépide affronte une organisation yakuza qui pousse les limites de l'extravagance et de la violence en tout genre.

Nataly Fish

I Am... Yours : An Intimate Performance at Wynn Las Vegas

I Am... Yours : An Intimate Performance at Wynn Las Vegas

Tourné à Las Vegas, ce concert extraordinaire propose des performances de plus de 30 chansons, dont les Single Single Platinum de Double Platinum: «Single Ladies», «If I Were A Boy», «Halo» et le single Platinum Top 5 Sweet Dreams. pour n'en nommer que quelques-uns, ainsi que des vitrines une performance déchirante de «C'est pourquoi tu e..

Nataly Fish

Whitney Houston Live - Her Greatest Performances

Whitney Houston Live - Her Greatest Performances

Whitney Houston Live : Her Greatest Performances emportera ses auditeurs à travers l'incroyable carrière de Houston, de sa première apparition en 1983 à The Oprah Winfrey Show en 2009.

Nataly Fish

The Twilight Saga Soundtracks, Vol 1 : Music Videos and Performances

The Twilight Saga Soundtracks, Vol 1 : Music Videos and Performances

Cette sortie sans précédent présente une collection de clips musicaux et de performances en direct de groupes figurant dans les meilleures bandes sonores de The Twilight Saga : Twilight, New Moon et Eclipse. Connectez-vous avec les artistes pendant qu'ils interprètent les chansons qui canalisent les émotions des fans de Twilight à travers la ..

Nataly Fish

Miss Saigon : Le concert du 25e anniversaire

Miss Saigon : Le concert du 25e anniversaire

La légendaire Miss Saigon, au cinéma, pour une soirée unique. Cette représentation spectaculaire, à guichets fermés, à l’occasion du Gala du 25ème anniversaire de ce succès mondial du théâtre inclut des apparitions du casting originel dont Jonathan Pryce et Lea Salonga. Cette nouvelle production acclamée a été décrite comme étant ..

Nataly Fish

Takeshita Performance 2 : Godzilla vs Mito Komon

Takeshita Performance 2 : Godzilla vs Mito Komon

Le deuxième film d'étudiant réalisé par Shinya Takeshita à l'Université des Arts d'Osaka. Il s'agit d'un film de fan de Godzilla, dans lequel Takeshita réutilise le concept de son précédent court-métrage et dépeint chaque personnage comme un hommage aux classiques kaiju egia ainsi qu'aux séries dramatiques jidaigeki.

Nataly Fish



Chas, un gangster sadique en cavale, trouve refuge à Notting Hill chez l'étrange Turner, une rockstar droguée sur le déclin. Entre ces deux individus hors normes, la fascination est mutuelle.

Nataly Fish

Commando d'élite

Commando d'élite

Un concert de charité à Moscou vire au tragique lorsque des kidnappeurs armés prennent une jeune pop star américaine Vénus et le président russe en otage. Leur salut ne pourra venir que d'un batteur de heavy metal, ancien motard de bad ass et un jeune agent russe du F.S.B. qui devront faire équipe pour riposter. Mais nos deux héros sont sé..

Nataly Fish

Outstanding Young Performers

Outstanding Young Performers

Shawn and Lisa try to pitch their short film script at a party full of young creatives.

Nataly Fish



Post-performance is an audiovisual study on the excessive production and archiving of digital images produced by contemporary human beings.

Nataly Fish



À l'asile de Charenton, le marquis de Sade met en scène une pièce sur la mort de Jean Paul Marat, en utilisant les patients comme acteurs.

Nataly Fish

Repeat Performance

Repeat Performance

On New Year's Eve 1946, Sheila Page kills her husband Barney. She wishes that she could relive 1946 and avoid the mistakes that she made throughout the year. Her wish comes true but cheating fate proves more difficult than she anticipated.

Nataly Fish

Command Performance

Command Performance

Arthur Tracy and Lilli Palmer star in this 1930's British romantic drama. With his voice faltering due to nerves, celebrated stage performer "The Street Singer" (Tracy) parts company with the theatre and goes to live in a gypsy camp where he meets and falls in love with Susan (Palmer), an attractive young woman who is unaware of his fame.

Nataly Fish

The Performer

The Performer

A dynamic and full of punk energy story based on life of one of the most original and interesting contemporary artist, the performer, Oskar Dawicki (playing himself). The main theme of his art is the search for an answer to the question of whether. Oskar Dawicki exists at all. The trade mark of his performances is his blue shining jacket.

Nataly Fish

The Midnight Special Legendary Performances 1975

The Midnight Special Legendary Performances 1975

The Midnight Special is an American late-night musical variety series that aired on NBC during the 1970s and early 1980s, created and produced by Burt Sugarman. It premiered as a special on August 19, 1972, then began its run as a regular series on February 2, 1973; its last episode was on May 1, 1981. The ninety-minute program followed the Friday ..

Nataly Fish

The Midnight Special Legendary Performances 1973

The Midnight Special Legendary Performances 1973

The Midnight Special is an American late-night musical variety series that aired on NBC during the 1970s and early 1980s, created and produced by Burt Sugarman. It premiered as a special on August 19, 1972, then began its run as a regular series on February 2, 1973; its last episode was on May 1, 1981. The ninety-minute program followed the Friday ..

Nataly Fish

The Performance

The Performance

Harold May, an excellent Jewish-American tap dancer, on tour in Europe with his company, receives an offer from a German that is difficult to pass up: a large sum to put on a show in Berlin. The German does not know that Harold is of Jewish origins; the year is 1937 and, once they arrive in Germany, the company discovers that he will have to perfor..

Nataly Fish

The Midnight Special Legendary Performances 1980

The Midnight Special Legendary Performances 1980

The Midnight Special is an American late-night musical variety series that aired on NBC during the 1970s and early 1980s, created and produced by Burt Sugarman. It premiered as a special on August 19, 1972, then began its run as a regular series on February 2, 1973; its last episode was on May 1, 1981. The ninety-minute program followed the Friday ..

Nataly Fish

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