


Une sorcière a jeté un sort sur la première fille qui nait dans la famille Wilhern : Pénélope. Pour y échapper, elle devra épouser un garçon issu de la noblesse. Pénélope est une romantique. Elle décide de fuir loin de sa famille et d'affronter le Monde. Elle découvrira que le mauvais sort, il faut l'ignorer et s'accepter telle qu'elle ..

Nataly Fish

Les Plaisirs de Pénélope

Les Plaisirs de Pénélope

Délaissée par son époux banquier que son travail accapare trop, la jeune Pénélope décide de s'adonner à ses penchants kleptomanes. C'est ainsi qu'après plusieurs modestes tentatives couronnées de succès, elle parvient à dérober 60, 000 $ à la banque de son propre mari...

Nataly Fish



Carme is the centennial seamstress of a small place among mountains. She sews and unthreads the threads. She has the character of a hard but heartfelt generation. Ramon returns to the village after thirty years of absence. But no one recognizes him. Not even Carme. A return that, beyond the real, evokes the impossibility of returning home, no longe..

Nataly Fish



An experimental student film centered around a young woman named Penelope. Or is Penelope dead?

Nataly Fish



In the Smug art world, innocence perishes. This is the discovery experienced firsthands by Penelope, a young woman who, after embarking on a series of insignificant relationships, arrives at a field of new experiences, some sort of moral abyss she will find herself trapped in more and more.

Nataly Fish



"Penelope", follows the myth of Penelope and Odysseus. In the absence of Ode, men express their interests in Penelope ,who is still caught up in the fantasy love affair she once had.

Nataly Fish



The life of bright orange-haired Penelope Pierce is heavily romanticized by her social media presence, but are things behind the screen really as great as people think?

Nataly Fish



After being abandoned by her boyfriend Wolfy, serial killer Penny Slice has taken to fending for herself, but if she wasn't insane enough already, the small sliver left of her sanity has certainly vanished into the abyss of her mind with the loss of her beloved being the final nail in the coffin of madness.

Nataly Fish



An abstract film

Nataly Fish



Part of the Zuiver Film collection.

Nataly Fish



A French documentary

Nataly Fish



A twist on the fairy tale of the Princess and the Pea

Nataly Fish



A woman is caught up with house chores after someone rings her door.

Nataly Fish



Penélope an eleven-year-old girl the daughter of a drug-trafficking mother and a violent stepfather is taken to live with Martin (Hugo Catálan), her biological father, after her mother is sentenced to eight years in prison, Martín who has never seen her before agrees to take custody, at first the relationship is difficult but in a short time Mar..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Adele, Jude and Debbie, a gang of mischievous teenage girls, hatch a plan to steal from a wealthy woman. But have they taken on more than they bargained for?

Nataly Fish



Abed’s lens is empowering and unwavering in Penelope (2014), whose title evokes the maritally loyal character of Homer’s Odyssey, who waits 20 years for her husband to return home from war, weaving and undoing a shroud daily to retain independence from would-be suitors. In Abed’s film, a woman methodically labours over the making of a garment..

Nataly Fish

Le Voyage de Pénélope

Le Voyage de Pénélope

Maxime et Paulo viennent de gagner une croisière dans les îles du Pacifique. L'embarquement est à Marseille. Il s'y rendent à bord d'une vieille 4L, et en plus, ils doivent subir la naïve Pénélope pendant le trajet. Les deux amis ont bien l'intention de s'en débarrasser. En chemin, ils rencontrent un couple de septuagénaires en cavale. Ces..

Nataly Fish

Frank and Penelope

Frank and Penelope

A tale of love and violence when a man on his emotional last legs finds a savior seductively dancing in a run-down strip club. And a life most certainly headed off a cliff suddenly becomes redirected - as everything is now worth dying for.

Nataly Fish

Thunderbirds et Lady Penelope

Thunderbirds et Lady Penelope

Préparez-vous pour de nouvelles aventures avec l'incroyable équipe d'Internationale Rescue. Les ennuis commencent lorsqu'Alan Tracy, Penelope, Tin Tin et leur fidèle serviteur Parker partent en vacances. Une fois à bord de Skyship One, l'équipage découvre avec stupeur de graves dysfonctionnements techniques, dont les stewards ne sont pas inno..

Nataly Fish

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