


Employé par Wyatt Telecom, Adam Cassidy commet une erreur très coûteuse pour sa société. En échange de son indulgence, le PDG lui demande d'infiltrer son principal concurrent, dont le patron n’est autre que l'ancien mentor de ce dernier...

Nataly Fish



After a near death experience Lulu ends up at the hospital and from that moment, everything changes in Lulu’s life. Lulu has a feeling that someone or something is after her. At school Lulu bumps into the infamous yet strangely captivating Mads. According to himself, Mads can see dead people including a girl attached to Lulu. A so-called bonded p..

Nataly Fish



Une jeune femme est internée d'office dans un centre psychiatrique, où elle se retrouve confrontée à sa plus grande peur. Mais est-ce que tout ceci est réel ou simplement le fruit de son imagination ?

Nataly Fish



Victime d’un accident de voiture lors d’une course automobile, la belle et riche Helen s’accorde une convalescence méritée auprès de son ex mari, Maurice et de la nouvelle épouse de ce-dernier, Constance. Au fil des jours passés dans la villa, l’atmosphère se réchauffe et Helen renoue avec Maurice tout en recevant également les avan..

Nataly Fish

La paranoïa

La paranoïa

Une femme est obsédée par le fait que son aide ménagère a été ensorcelée, mais lorsqu'elle essaie continuellement de chercher des réponses à ce problème et que toutes ses tentatives échouent, elle décide de prendre les choses en main.

Nataly Fish



"In the midst of an economic crisis, our mysterious character embarks on a series of events to get food, but along the way he will realize It's not as easy as he thought."

Nataly Fish



Dina runs away with her teenage daughter Laura after her abusive husband Gion gets imprisoned. However, Gion is released from the prison due to the pandemic and Dina is panicking because not only she took Laura but also took Gion’s valuable antique statue away. Raka, a mysterious man appears and makes things even more complicated.

Nataly Fish



Paranoia evokes the insular world of a young disturbed woman who has closed herself off from society.

Nataly Fish



Deux malfrats à la petite semaine sont chargés de déposer une bombe au dernier étage d'une tour. Ils se retrouvent bient t coincés dans l'ascenseur avec d'innocents locataires. La peur puis la panique s'installent : impossible d'arrêter le compte à rebours...

Nataly Fish



A girl, whose entire family was murdered by a serial killer, tries to isolate herself in New York City. Her fear escalates when the murderer starts stalking her on the internet. With his prison sentence about to end, the game of cat and mouse begins.

Nataly Fish



An ambitious detective, Ben, investigates the murder of his wife’s best friend’s husband. His wife’s best friend, Alaina Denison holds the key to the mystery, but she struggles with reality and imagination. Her condition is brought about by experimental drugs from her infertility treatment program.

Nataly Fish



death and despair death and despair death and despair death and despair death and despair death and despair death and despair death and despair death and despair death and despair death and despair

Nataly Fish



A psychotic recluse begins to discover that he may have unknowingly committed an atrocity.

Nataly Fish

Villa paranoïa

Villa paranoïa

Anna est une jeune comédienne frustrée. N'ayant pu obtenir le rôle d'Angélique dans la pièce Le Malade imaginaire de Molière, elle accepte de partir à la campagne travailler comme infirmière auprès de Walentin, le vieux père de Jorgen. À la tête d'un élevage de milliers de poulets, Jorgen ne trouve pas le temps de s'occuper de son pè..

Nataly Fish



Short film using the paranoia of Richard Nixon to explore how a similar outlook on life has been propagated on a larger social scale in the new media age and the resulting moral panics and immobilisation of politics. Screen during the fourth episode of the second series of Charlie Brooker's Newswipe.

Nataly Fish



An erotic horror starring Tomoko Takabe, where sensuality and fear swirl. Kumi, a clinical psychologist, heads for a villa surrounded by a deep forest. However, murder cases begin to occur one after another in an isolated villa where communication equipment is destroyed.

Nataly Fish



A serial killer is terrorizing a small town. Mark Bishop has just killed an intruder who attacked him in his home. Only he's not sure if he killed the real serial killer, but knows he doesn't want the attention. Mark has to get rid of the body and avoid the authorities. But he can't shake the feeling that the real killer is still out there.

Nataly Fish



A man is under the illusion he is a wanted war criminal.

Nataly Fish



Two friends are paranoid about completely different things one afternoon, unaware it will be the last time they see each other.

Nataly Fish



Struggling to sleep, Alice seeks professional help to deal with a nightmare she had.

Nataly Fish

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