


Lors d'une retraite avec son mari et son beau-frère, et après avoir perdu un enfant, Vanessa se retrouve mystérieusement à naviguer entre des espaces parallèles. Ces dernières peuvent détenir la clé pour la libérer de son chagrin ou l'emprisonner à jamais.

Nataly Fish



Un groupe d'amis tombe sur un miroir qui sert de portail vers un " multivers ", mais découvre rapidement que l'importation de connaissances de l'autre côté pour améliorer leur vie entraîne des conséquences de plus en plus dangereuses.

Nataly Fish



when Neil meets Heather it is love at first sight they enjoy a whirlwind romance and revel in how happy they are until they run into Machlis. Parallel is an erotic and thrilling psychological drama with a distinctly new approach and a killer twist!

Nataly Fish



Mai, who had been abused by her parents in her childhood, couldn't come to terms with her past memories and spent days just forgetting time and playing with her best friend Kana. One day, Mai encounters a cosplay killer who repeats killer in the form of an anime character cosplay. Strangely intrigued by Mai, the cosplay killer hides his true identi..

Nataly Fish



A young flower delivery guy who's troubled by his father's death, is dragged on a surprise vacation by his best friend. They meet their travel agent, and slowly discover that the vacation has been an established plan, created and built from the beyond.

Nataly Fish



A sci-fi heist story that takes place across parallel universes. It involves a man and woman who traffic in high-end crimes in parallel universes suddenly meeting, a development that threatens their boss. Determined to outrun their fates, they fight across these different realities to find one where they can both survive and be together.

Nataly Fish



In a world where "parallel" versions of our reality are accessible, though unknown to most - and to visit them is illegal.

Nataly Fish



Henry opened a window into another universe. But the last thing he ever thought he would find on the other side was love.

Nataly Fish



A brilliant mathematician travels through time and space in search of the knowledge that would allow him to control his life and alter the events of his past. What he discovers is that he must let go of his obsession in order to live his life.

Nataly Fish



In 1948, the Korean peninsula was divided into North and South Korea at the 38th parallel. Jiwon Choi introduces viewers to modern Korean history and culture by contrasting the story of her grandfather, who served in the Korean War, with the rise of K-POP.

Nataly Fish



The parallel daily life of two young women, a customer success manager and a shepherdess, in their work environment that everything seems to oppose.

Nataly Fish



A young British Chinese woman goes for dim sum with her family. Unable to speak the same language as much of her family, she both participates in, and observes, the action.

Nataly Fish



The lives of the two young Chinese men cross at a fast food restaurant during the summer in the ancient town of Yueyang. Nineteen-year-old student Huang takes a delivery job to support himself while skating with his friends. Eighteen-year-old Liu dropped out of high school and now owns several small catering businesses. The film observes the peers..

Nataly Fish

49ème parallèle

49ème parallèle

Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un sous-marin allemand coule un navire près des côtes canadiennes. Aussitôt, il tente un repli stratégique vers la baie d'Hudson mais il est repéré et bombardé. 6 marins allemands survivants se retrouvent seuls sur le gigantesque territoire canadien. Ils doivent traverser le pays, rejoindre les États-Unis..

Nataly Fish



A young woman named Taylor Sojourner loses her boyfriend Jeffrey in a tragic accident--then she wakes up in a parallel dimension in which he's alive. Does she choose to stay in this fantasy or go back to reality?

Nataly Fish

Les Mondes parallèles

Les Mondes parallèles

Shin et Kotori sont deux lycéens ordinaires qui vivent à Tokyo. Un jour, Shin rencontre son parfait sosie. Le garçon s’appelle Jin et prétend venir d’un monde parallèle sur lequel règne une princesse malfaisante. Pour sauver les siens, il doit vite trouver le double de la persécutrice. La vie des lycéens bascule quand Shin découvre..

Nataly Fish

#Anne Frank, vies parallèles

#Anne Frank, vies parallèles

Helen Mirren nous raconte l'histoire de la jeune fille, symbole de la Shoah, à travers son Journal, tandis qu'une actrice parcourt les lieux de la déportation et livre ses impressions sur les réseaux sociaux

Nataly Fish

Les Mondes parallèles : Paradoxe

Les Mondes parallèles : Paradoxe

Dans un monde parallèle régi par la magie, un policier enquête sur une série de meurtres commis par la science. Cette situation inédite pourrait bien signifier la destruction prochaine des deux mondes.

Nataly Fish

Le Survivant d'un monde parallèle

Le Survivant d'un monde parallèle

Un 747 s'ecrasse dans un champ. Seul le pilote en rechappe. L'accident semble inexplicable et le pilote, incapable de se souvenir se lance dans une enquete aidee par une jeune femme medium.

Nataly Fish

Parallel Life

Parallel Life

Kim Seok-Hyeon devient à 36 ans le plus jeune juge pénal de Corée du Sud. Il mène une vie tranquille jusqu'à ce que sa femme soit assassinée. Un journaliste qui enquête sur l'affaire va découvrir des similitudes troublantes entre le vie de Kim Seok-Hyeon et celle de Han Sang-Jun qui fût, 30 ans auparavant, le plus jeune juge pénal nommé,..

Nataly Fish

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