
La Ligue des Justiciers : Le Paradoxe Flashpoint

La Ligue des Justiciers : Le Paradoxe Flashpoint

Flash crée des ondulations qui modifie désastreusement l'Univers. Il doit faire équipe avec d'autres héros pour rétablir la chronologie tandis que la Terre est ravagée par une guerre entre l'Atlantide Aquaman et les Amazones de Wonder Woman

Nataly Fish

Les Mondes parallèles : Paradoxe

Les Mondes parallèles : Paradoxe

Dans un monde parallèle régi par la magie, un policier enquête sur une série de meurtres commis par la science. Cette situation inédite pourrait bien signifier la destruction prochaine des deux mondes.

Nataly Fish

A Pair of Paradoxes

A Pair of Paradoxes

A ball climbs an Penrose Staircase while a Shepard tone plays. Created at Bell Labs in 1967.

Nataly Fish

Les paradoxes de Buñuel

Les paradoxes de Buñuel

Famed film director Luis Bunuel (1900-1983) is the subject of this French documentary, with anecdotal interviews edited thematically into sections highlighting Bunuel's contradictions --"Surrealist and Moralist," "Iconoclast and Traditionalist," "Sadist and Sentimentalist."

Nataly Fish

Les paradoxes du cannabis

Les paradoxes du cannabis

Nataly Fish

The Garden of Sinners, film 5 : Spirale contradictoire

The Garden of Sinners, film 5 : Spirale contradictoire

Une série de répétitions, un couple assassiné, une affaire étouffée. Shiki se rend sur les lieux du meurtre. elle y rencontre Tomoe Enjô, le meurtrier en cavale, qu’elle décide d’héberger. Shiki et Enjô, ces deux âmes esseulées se lient d’amitié et décident d’élucider le mystère autour du crime d’Enjô. Ils découvrent que..

Nataly Fish

SPL III : Paradox

SPL III : Paradox

Officier de la police hongkongaise, Lee Chung Chi n'a plus de nouvelles de sa fille Wing Chi âgée de seize ans, en vacances à Pattaya depuis une semaine chez une amie. Lee Chung Chi se rend immédiatement en Thaïlande et sur place, il offre au lieutenant Chui Kit, chargé de l'enquête, de lui prêter mains fortes pour retrouver Wing Chi.

Nataly Fish



Capital traffic jams and endless replacement of tiles on the sidewalks, filming of national films and absurd situations with artists, stories from the lives of neighbors and their dogs.

Nataly Fish



A mocumentary that follows the lives of 6 individuals in Kuwait.

Nataly Fish

Usotsuki Paradox

Usotsuki Paradox

Shunsuke has fallen for his colleague Hinako, but she is engaged albeit in a long-distance relationship. She and her boyfriend meet on the odd weekends. She feels lonely at times. When one evening they are both working late and still in the office Shunsuke throws caution to the win, reveals his feelings, makes a pass and plants a kiss on Hinako. Th..

Nataly Fish

Sean Connery vs James Bond

Sean Connery vs James Bond

En 1963, Sean Connery crève l'écran dans "James Bond 007 contre Dr No". Dès lors, le personnage de James Bond lui apporte gloire et fortune, mais il sera aussi son fardeau.

Nataly Fish

The Antares Paradox

The Antares Paradox

In a race against the clock, Alexandra will be forced to choose how to spend the next hours: facing a critic family drama or trying to bring an answer to one of humanity's most important questions.

Nataly Fish

The porcupine paradox (Feature film scene)

The porcupine paradox (Feature film scene)

This scene is a fragment of a feature length script written by Adrián Olmedo, who filmed it as a final degree project. Nico has been depressed for a long time. When he blames himself for a tragic event, his friend Brenda fill finally confront him.

Nataly Fish

Love Paradox

Love Paradox

Nataly Fish

In Paradox

In Paradox

Fuyant ses assaillants, un homme cherche désespérément à prendre le contrôle de ses souvenirs étranges avant qu'ils ne consument sa vie et ne le rendent fou.

Nataly Fish

yuЯi=paRadox 〜sleep is equal to awake〜

yuЯi=paRadox 〜sleep is equal to awake〜

Yuri’s daily life after her marriage and building a home. She cleans, does the laundry, cooks and does household bookkeeping. In the repeated daily life, suddenly the snowscape appeared in front of her, and the girl who wears a red coat crouched there. Her eyes were stuck by nails and hurt. A boat floating on the lake of yellow-green semen. Pregn..

Nataly Fish

Climat : Mon cerveau fait l'autruche

Climat : Mon cerveau fait l'autruche

Pourquoi, en dépit de l'imminence de la catastrophe climatique, ne parvenons-nous pas à changer nos modes de vie ? Y a-t-il une explication scientifique à cette inertie ? Réponse dans cette riche enquête qui révèle les surprenants réflexes du cerveau humain.

Nataly Fish

Moon Paradox L

Moon Paradox L

A girl looks up at the depth of the universe, overlapped with the moonlight. A conflict of contradictions creates an agitated desire. Deliberately entering the universe of another person (Vipassana), there is a condensed and unbalanced insight between two people.

Nataly Fish

The Paradox of Democracy

The Paradox of Democracy

Over the 2010s decade, even in different contexts and different democracies, the lack of satisfaction of society with politics became an unifying trait that caused riots in Brazil, the United States, France, Egypt and Ukraine. All of those governments fell, whether by force or by elections, but corruption keeps happening in the new governments. "Th..

Nataly Fish



In 1967 Sigurður Skúlason acted in his first film - the short Paradox - but it was never finished due to the primitive state that filmmaking in Iceland was at the time. But the memory of the film haunted Sigurður for years, and now almost fifty years later, the film is finished.

Nataly Fish

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