


Par une chaude journée d'été, Paloma décide de réaliser son rêve le plus cher : un mariage traditionnel dans une église avec son petit ami Zé. Elle est une mère dévouée, une ouvrière vaillante dans une plantation de papayes et a économisé pour payer la fête. Le refus du prêtre de l'épouser avec Zé obligera Paloma à se confronte..

Nataly Fish



Román has decided to leave his native town, but first he must say goodbye to Paloma.

Nataly Fish



In the middle of Praça da Sé, in São Paulo, Paloma - a dove like any other - swallows a chip and gains awareness. But what was supposed to be a blessing ends up revealing something terrible: she, like all doves, always ate scraps. Given this, Paloma goes after justice for the doves and, next to Pru, find out more about who she has become and her..

Nataly Fish



Alors qu'elle vient de voler l'urne contenant les cendres de son amant décédé, Paloma, une drag-queen haute en couleur, rencontre Mike, un routier silencieux et mélancolique.

Nataly Fish



A woman with a paper bag over her head tries to seduce a gay Catholic School teacher.

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Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

The Dove and the Wolf

The Dove and the Wolf

Displaced by the violence that swept their town, Paloma and Lobo survive trying to love each other. Through thirst, fear and nostalgia, Paloma wishes to go back home but Lobo lives tied to a memory that stops him from returning.

Nataly Fish

La Paloma

La Paloma

Avec Hans Albers, les amours d'un matelot dans un film tourné en Allemagne en 1944. Tenant du réalisme poétique, Helmut Käutner a toujours refusé les thèmes chers aux nazis pour réaliser des films intimistes, axés sur des gens simples qui se moquent de la morale dominante. Cette histoire de matelots dans une ville presque anéantie par les ..

Nataly Fish

Road to Paloma

Road to Paloma

En fuite après avoir vengé le meurtre de sa mère, un homme va découvrir que la justice a un prix.

Nataly Fish

Fair of the Virgin of La Paloma

Fair of the Virgin of La Paloma

Life goes quietly in a traditional neighborhood of Madrid. Two beautiful girls, Susana and Casta, trade workers in the area, accepting mature attentions of a pharmacist, Don Hilarion. This affection dislike the young Julian, who is in love with Susan. Third movie version of the famous zarzuela by Tomas Breton. With musical arrangements by Gregorio..

Nataly Fish

Palomar goes to the City

Palomar goes to the City

After the death of his friend Begbie, Palomar decides to go to the City, a bizarre and intimidating metropolis, whose citizens have abolished sleeping and the law of gravity. To get there, the man waits for a bus that never comes, falling into a restless and suffocating wait.

Nataly Fish

The Nights of Paloma

The Nights of Paloma

While being shuttled from her convent/boarding school to her wedding, a young lady of the upper classes is kidnapped by bandits. She gets to see the world and meet interesting people.

Nataly Fish

La Paloma

La Paloma

Dans un cabaret suspendu hors du temps, baigné de rouge et d'ors flamboyants, quelques bourgeois muets et désabusés attentifs au seul spectacle de leur décadence... Parmi eux, le comte Isidore Palewski, amoureux éperdu de la Paloma, star à l'orée de la déchéance, phtisique et langoureuse, qui, tous les soirs, s'y produit.

Nataly Fish

The Fair of the Virgin of La Paloma

The Fair of the Virgin of La Paloma

Two dressmaker sisters, who live in Mrs. Rita's pension, are sought out by the old apothecary Don Hilarión. When the two decide to go to the verbena de la Paloma with the pharmacist, the boyfriend of one of them tries to prevent it. Based on the famous Madrid zarzuela of the same name.

Nataly Fish

Paper Dove

Paper Dove

Juan, a young man convicted of terrorism, is given amnesty from a Lima prison; he boards a bus to return home and, in his mind's eye, recalls events in his village near Huaraz when he was 10 or 12. His father is long dead, his mother lives with Fermin, secretly a sympathizer with the Communist guerrillas in the hills. Town leaders are assassinated ..

Nataly Fish



Adan mourns the loss of his family in the house where the used to live.

Nataly Fish

10 palomas

10 palomas

A serial killer with a taste for the theatrical is killing powerful judges and leaving their bodies surrounded with dead pigeons. Félix, a detective haunted by his past, is the only one who is able to solve this enigmatic case.

Nataly Fish

The House of Doves

The House of Doves

The widow Alexandra and her schoolgirl daughter Sandra live together in a luxurious villa in Spain. When Fernando, an old love of Alexandra's, appears in town the two rekindle their love affair until Alexandra finds that he is being paid to be the companion of a rich older woman

Nataly Fish

Délice Paloma

Délice Paloma

Vous avez besoin d'un permis de construire ? Vous êtes seul un soir ? Appelez la bienfaitrice nationale, Mme Aldjéria : elle vous arrange ça. Celle qui s'est donné le nom du pays ne recule devant aucune combine pour survivre dans l'Algérie d'aujourd'hui. Pour peu qu'elles soient jolies et peu scrupuleuses, ses recrues peuvent faire carrière. ..

Nataly Fish

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