
Air Outpost

Air Outpost

Sharjah airport in the 1930's showing the airport, town, Emirate and Imperial Airways staff. An early British documentary produced by many pioneers of the medium.

Nataly Fish

Desperado Outpost

Desperado Outpost

When Sergeant Okubo's brother is murdered at a Japanese outpost in Northern China during the Second World War, Okubo poses as a war correspondent and seeks out his brother's killer.

Nataly Fish

A Quiet Outpost

A Quiet Outpost

On the edge of Dushanbe, in the Republic of Tajikistan, a quiet border checkpoint under Russian control is attacked by Afghans and Tajiks who want it under their control.

Nataly Fish

An Outpost of Progress

An Outpost of Progress

A dramatic adaptation of a literary classic by Joseph Conrad, exploring universal themes dealing with individual morality and the responsibility of civilization.

Nataly Fish

The Outpost

The Outpost

Christopher Clark was an eco-warrior, a remarkable Scotsman who created his own personal Outpost of progress in the heart of the Amazonian rainforest. It was the model for a utopian society based on the perfect balance between nature and technology, protected and run by the inhabitants of the forest. Unfortunately, the situation got worse year by y..

Nataly Fish

The Outpost

The Outpost

Gizella Weisz is an middle-aged office worker, who gets a promotion one day. Her boss told her that a new outpost is waiting for her. There she would be heading a new section. She travels from place to another and finally arrives at her new outpost. It is a remote shed, where a half-insane co-worker is waiting for her. It is obvious that Weisz has ..

Nataly Fish

Fort du Fou

Fort du Fou

Pendant la guerre d'Indochine, le commandant d'un fort est victime de la propagande ennemie qui révèle son mariage secret avec une vietnamienne et la prétendue infidélité de celle-ci avec un officier français.

Nataly Fish

Un avant-poste du progrès

Un avant-poste du progrès

A la fin du XIXème siècle, deux jeunes colons inexpérimentés, Joao de Mattos et Sant’Anna, débarquent au cœur du Congo portugais. Mus par leur soif d’or et leur désir de civiliser les populations indigènes, ils viennent organiser un avant-poste commercial de la Compagnie maritime portugaise. Le film de Hugo Veira Da Silva est adapté de..

Nataly Fish



In the 1950s, an army reconnaissance group finds an enemy spy organization lurking in a coastal town in southeast China intending to collect military intelligence.

Nataly Fish

At Red Stones Outpost

At Red Stones Outpost

The film takes place near the border outpost "Red Stones". Three guys: the grandson of a herdsman, his cousin, who came on vacation from the city and the daughter of the head of the frontier post, met by chance in the Kazakh border steppes, where they spent time playing games. But when the real danger comes to replace the games, the guys proved to ..

Nataly Fish



Document of the Holy Ascension Monastery in Ukraine.

Nataly Fish

Outpost of Hell

Outpost of Hell

The fifth film of the desperado outpost series directed by Senkichi Taniguchi

Nataly Fish

Rebellious Outpost

Rebellious Outpost

Nataly Fish

Swedish Outpost

Swedish Outpost

A film about Gotska Sandön in the Baltic Sea and its history. At the station, the staff live with their families.

Nataly Fish

Compte à rebours mortel

Compte à rebours mortel

Jake Malloy, un agent du FBI, n'est plus que l'ombre de lui-même. Alors qu'il s'apprêtait à épouser sa compagne Mary, celle-ci a trouvé la mort, victime d'un tueur de flics. Ce geste gratuit restera à jamais ancré dans la mémoire de Jake.Plusieurs mois s'écoulent, le policier sombre dans l'alcoolisme et veut mettre fin à ses souffrances e..

Nataly Fish

Peur panique

Peur panique

Au service de la science, James Stockton travaille à la régénération des tissus humains. D'un quasi-cadavre, il fait un mutant génétique, un super-soldat qui échappe à son contrôle. Mais Stockton se refuse à aller jusqu'au bout des expériences, sachant que certains en feront mauvais usage... Des années après, il revient à son laborato..

Nataly Fish

The Planter's Wife

The Planter's Wife

The wife of a rubber plantation owner must put her marriage problems on hold when her family is forced to defend themselves during a native uprising.

Nataly Fish

Old Los Angeles

Old Los Angeles

Also known as California Outpost, Old Los Angeles stars Bill Elliot in one of his expanded-budget Republic "specials." The film is set during the early statehood days of California, with Elliot keeping the peace and warding off plunderers and marauders. As always, Elliot is a "peaceable man"--until he beats the tar out of those who rile him. The pr..

Nataly Fish

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