


In the southern tier region of Western New York there is a dense wooded area known as “The Hollows”. Regarded as cursed by the Senecas, the region has been the site of strange lights, inexplicable sounds, countless disappearances, and brutal murders. This documentary includes footage found in “The Hollows” at an abandoned camp site. The ind..

Nataly Fish

Optical Fibre

Optical Fibre

When a Brazilian woman is falsely accused of killing a prominent Mexican politician, Marco, a young journalist, is hired by a stranger to discover the real motive of the crime. He is assisted by his photographer girlfriend María, and they are trapped in a web of torture, prostitution, corruption and power struggle.

Nataly Fish

Optical Illusions

Optical Illusions

C'est l'hiver à Valvidia. Au centre commercial, le nouveau vigile devient l'amant d'une bourgeoise cleptomane. Un skieur aveugle recouvre la vue et découvre un monde moins réjouissant qu'il ne l'avait espéré. Une entreprise offre à son personnel, contre performances optimales, des opérations de chirurgie esthétique, seins, nez et autres imp..

Nataly Fish

An Optical Poem

An Optical Poem

A dance of shapes. A title card tells us this is an experiment in conveying the mental images of music in a visual form. Liszt's "Second Hungarian Rhapsody" is the music. The shapes, all two-dimensional, are circles primarily, with some squares and rectangles, and a few triangles. The shapes move rhythmically to the music: receding from view or mov..

Nataly Fish

Study in Optical Rhythm

Study in Optical Rhythm

Made in 1953, Study in Optical Rhythm is an examination of the visual functions of rhythm. His best known film, it was drawn and painted directly onto the film stock at intervals of 4, 8, 12, 16 and 24 frames to find concurrence with a predetermined musical accompaniment. The film was intended to be screened both with and without music to explore d..

Nataly Fish

Optical Action

Optical Action

Found Super 8 footage is the basis of this flicker film which has been hand treated with ink and bleach. Every other frame has been coloured with a black marker pen to create the flicker and cracked mosaic effect.

Nataly Fish

Optical Illusions

Optical Illusions

Describes how the eye works and explains the brain puts together the flat images from two eyes to form a three dimensional image. Explains the meaning of persistence of vision, and discusses the blind spot. Demonstrates how and why eyes can be deceived, showing experiments with optical illusions.

Nataly Fish

Nature's Optical Toy

Nature's Optical Toy

Nature's Optical Toy is an experimental film and homage to the "phenakistoscope." The film was hand-made with 16mm clear leader and flowers, along with black and white photographs, which were collected on my walks each morning. The contrast of black and white and vibrant color, along with movement allows the viewer to let go as the screen becomes k..

Nataly Fish

Optical Audio

Optical Audio

If you draw or scratch or make patterns that extend into the optical audio area of 16mm film, then run it through a projector, the images will produce distinctive sounds as they pass through the optical soundtrack reader. This film is an edited composition of such experiments, with some archival footage bits from a military instructional film to he..

Nataly Fish

Optical Vacuum

Optical Vacuum

Optical Vacuum, 2008, 55 min., Beta SP, Voice & Diary: Stephen Mathewson, Music: Stefan Németh

Nataly Fish



The film is a kind of " road movie " around the city of Oslo . Some film students are out on the streets to make a recording. Suddenly camera stolen. " We " included camera furious journey through Oslo 's streets and narrow alleys . The film is a bit like life itself - the circle - eventually .

Nataly Fish

Optical Illusion

Optical Illusion

When a pair of glasses go missing, both Armaan, a misguided teenager, and his work-ridden father, Dharma, begin to realize what they've been overlooking.

Nataly Fish

Optical Axis

Optical Axis

Russian photographer Maksim Dmitriev liked reality, and in the beginning of the 20 century he photographed bums, workers, farmers, bankers and monks. Hundred yours later we showed these photographs to nowadays heroes. And they recognized each other.

Nataly Fish

Optical Sound

Optical Sound

Film by Guy Sherwin

Nataly Fish

Articulation of Boolean Algebra for Film Opticals

Articulation of Boolean Algebra for Film Opticals

Made out of six patterns of alternating black and white imposed upon the full surface of the film strip.

Nataly Fish



This film explores a now-obscure American expansionist, William Walker, who through military force and coercion became president of Nicaragua in 1856. Walker was one of many expansionists who believed it was America's Manifest Destiny to conquer all of the Americas and who engaged in border raids in Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central America..

Nataly Fish

An Optical Printer Duet

An Optical Printer Duet

"I did this collaboration with filmmaker Caryn Cline. Two filmmakers, two direct animation technics, two optical printers one roll of 16mm film."

Nataly Fish

Optical sound

Optical sound

Found- footage work composing hundreds of fragments of opening credits for 35 mm films converted into sound.

Nataly Fish

Optical Re3onance

Optical Re3onance

Hand drawn abstract film, looking at seductive marks on the surface. Circle, Square, Triangle.

Nataly Fish

Optical De-dramatization Engine (O.D.E.) applied in 15-hour cycles to Ma-Xu Weibang's ‘Yeban gesheng’ (Song at Midnight), 1937

Optical De-dramatization Engine (O.D.E.) applied in 15-hour cycles to Ma-Xu Weibang's ‘Yeban gesheng’ (Song at Midnight), 1937

This video presents an algorithmic, generative, and software-driven dataset of images that runs in 15-hour cycles. The sequenced, glitched imagery derives from the brilliant and melodramatic Shanghai version of "Phantom of the Opera" made in 1937. For this video, the launching time of my original software occurs 23:55 (Sept. 20, 2015) just prior to..

Nataly Fish

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