


In a water world, two men fight for their childhood love.

Nataly Fish



Depuis le décès de son époux, Mary, pédopsychiatre, vit seule avec son beau-fils dans un chalet isolé de la Nouvelle-Angleterre. À l’approche d’une violente tempête de neige, Tom, l’un de ses jeunes patients, est porté disparu. Mary, tout à coup sujette à des hallucinations et prise de paranoïa, est bien décidée à retrouver le j..

Nataly Fish

Oppressive Torture

Oppressive Torture

In the end of the 19th century, social restoration occurred in Japan. Seizing on the confusion, Gonnosuke deprives land from farmers, and this pushes him way to the top as a businessman. However, he has hideous sexual propensity which he sexually abuses women. Gonnosuke excruciates hard and causes 2 housemaids to die. The dreadful history recurs...

Nataly Fish

Breakout from Oppression

Breakout from Oppression

Tsao Chan (Gordon Liu) is a letter carrier in the countryside who wanders into a town after being accosted by some corrupt cops. He witnesses three men running from a group of houses, and when he investigates he finds two murder victims inside. Meanwhile, a skirmish is developing between a factory owner (Fung Hak On) and his workers, led by two bro..

Nataly Fish

Majorité Opprimée

Majorité Opprimée

On what seems to be just another ordinary day, a man is exposed to sexism and sexual violence in a society ruled by women.

Nataly Fish

Lords of Oppression

Lords of Oppression

Period drama directed by Yasushi Sasaki.

Nataly Fish

Lords of Oppression 2

Lords of Oppression 2

Period drama directed by Yasushi Sasaki.

Nataly Fish

The Oppressed Students

The Oppressed Students

A galvanising documentary about the organised resistance of a group of students barricaded at the Takasaki City University of Economics. The university student struggles at the end of the 1960s in Japan were the culmination of over a decade of protests, social dissent and political unrest. All this gave energy to the student movement, which display..

Nataly Fish

Augusto Boal and the Theatre of the Oppressed

Augusto Boal and the Theatre of the Oppressed

The movie "Augusto Boal and the Theatre of the Oppressed" shows the path of the dramaturgo Augusto Boal at the creation of a theatre that has as objective to transform those who participate it in a spiral of changes, in an oppressing society. Along the trajectory we see Boal's intellectual search and the transformations of the Brazilian society, fr..

Nataly Fish

The Oppression of the Woman Is Especially Seen in the Attitude of the Women Themselves
Deep Oppression

Deep Oppression

Nataly Fish

An Oppressed People Is Always Right

An Oppressed People Is Always Right

In May 1974, the Israeli Air Force carried out an extermination operation against the Palestinian refugee camp Nabatiyeh. With this as a starting point, it is reviewed how the last 50 years of Zionist colonization of Palestine have partly led to the establishment of the state of Israel, partly to the expulsion of a people, the Palestinians, from th..

Nataly Fish

Oppressive Love

Oppressive Love

Ah Nam est un étudiant transféré qui fait un étrange cauchemar qui le dérange depuis près d'un an. Pour certaines raisons, il rencontre Chang Ru Hao, qui essaie alors de l'aider à lutter contre son cauchemar. Cependant, la famille de Ru Hao cache le secret qui se combine avec le cauchemar d’Ah Nam et la tragédie de son petit frère.

Nataly Fish

How Oppression Strikes

How Oppression Strikes

Peter Nestler, an important German filmmaker with an extensive filmography, agrees with Chilean filmmaker Rodrigo Gonçalves, exiled in Sweden, to make a documentary on PIDEE (Protection of Children Harmed by the State of Emergency) and on FASIC, a Catholic organisation for the defence of human rights. It is one of the first clandestine films to be..

Nataly Fish

cold oppression

cold oppression

The goal is to convey a feeling, a feeling of the cold, its heaviness as well as its brightness, the moment when the fog glides along the sea, the sea foam is replaced by ice, and we as people merge into one. The darkness of winter buries everything, we are wrapped in thick layers, afraid of the cold and freezing. Winter gives us brightness, eye ca..

Nataly Fish

To the Oppressor

To the Oppressor

An entry to the 2019 CineKasimanwa Film Festival.

Nataly Fish

An oppressed people is always right

An oppressed people is always right

In May 1974, the Israeli Air Force carried out an extermination operation against the Palestinian refugee camp Nabatiyeh. With this as a starting point, it is reviewed how the last 50 years of Zionist colonization of Palestine have partly led to the establishment of the state of Israel, partly to the expulsion of a people, the Palestinians, from th..

Nataly Fish

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